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Perfect World (aruga Rie)

Ongoing | aruga rie | 2000 released
2024-02-18 02:03 marked


Kiss de Fusaide, Bare naide.

Ongoing | Fudou fudono | 2019 released
2023-12-28 21:07 marked

Its been a while since I read a good one like this. Oh man! I love the ML and I love the relationship and how it developed with the FL. I just loved everything. From what I've read so far, it's just so good...

Kuro Bengoshi no Chijou Sekai de Ichiban Omoi Junai

Ongoing | Sumi | 2019 released
2023-12-10 02:54 marked

!! Uncensored !! 3 stars for the story, 4 for the art.

Dekiai Zentei, Keiyakukon. ~Iwashiro Bengoshi wa Ai ga Deka Sugiru!?~

Ongoing | Tsubomi chikuwa | 2019 released
2023-11-14 20:54 marked

!! Uncensored !! But cute


Complete | aki eda | 2008 released
2023-11-12 02:40 marked

I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story

Ongoing | Doyosay,레몬개구리,아진,Wonjak ,Ajin | 2022 released
2023-09-26 02:47 marked

Saikawa Fusai no Renai Jijou - Nananen Jikkuri

Ongoing | Toyama monaka,Karasuma kanatsu | 2019 released
2023-06-30 11:01 marked

I May Be A Mob But Because My Favorite Is Here, Everyday Is Fun

Ongoing | KAI,Tsuchino Eiichi | 2000 released
2023-06-28 20:59 marked

Yamaguchi-kun wa warukunai

Ongoing | Saiki yuu | 2019 released
2022-12-07 13:36 marked

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