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am I??? the only one??? who finds vulnerable and blushing hikaru the cutest???!!!! he’s so narcissistic, its actually adorable pls

orewahana created a topic of Shutline

this is not so girly pop of the author?????? why s2 finale in a great ass cliffhanger

orewahana created a topic of Define The Relationship

the way lyle describe being in love was so wonderful. as someone who’s also in that state of euphoria, there would also be pains because of the lows, but the highs… its ecstatic. i’m currently seeing a guy who’s patient and understanding, who listens to me wholly, and who’s also good in bed ヾ(☆▽☆) So the way lyle put being in love to words, i was like, “oh, this is what i feel as well!” so i really relate to him. shout out to all partners who loves us for who we are despite our shortcomings. i have my ash in real life, i hope you guys have yours as well !!!

i feel so bad for nishi on the first 2 chapters, imagine the guy ur in love with threatens to out you.. wtf. well he technically lied but still, top needs to redeem his self more. its giving manipulative

orewahana created a topic of Koi to Dangan

i fuckin love yuri. i know this shit is corny and so exaggerated, but I love them to bits. yuri's pretty, strong and willful. very headstrong girl and super nice. i love her so bad ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

orewahana created a topic of Meshinuma

do you eat pussy like that?