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Anniexoxo created a topic of Wizard of Eden

That policeman prob wanted some reward talking to Eden’s family like that ugh
I hope the updates are consistent this time because I done near forgot everything and had to reread and I missed them too. I want to know what happens next

Anniexoxo created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Better hope those are leather seats and not absorbable

Anniexoxo created a topic of Hate Mate

Damn…are they rlly bout to break up?
Cuz if they do I think it’s best that subin stays single cuz I don’t want him getting with hyeonwoo after everything that happened to him

Anniexoxo created a topic of Neko x Neko

Why’d they post it not translated I can’t read it and i don’t wanna spoil myself

Anniexoxo created a topic of Farming for Love

Wait that’s all we get of the second couple?!

Anniexoxo created a topic of Entanglement

Why tf is there a hentai manga on this website. I literally read this in a hentai site

Anniexoxo created a topic of My son is probably gay

I’m sad bout daigo and hiroki not ending up together but I wish he ends up with someone in college. Also I’m glad the mom talked sum sense into the dad and their both (esp the dad ) learning to be mindful bout what they say and change their perspectives and conservative views bout the LGBT

Yes ch 6!! Love the way hitomi took charge and rode him like okayy I love assertive ukes. Also the way kamiya held himself back cuz he does not wanna hurt hitomi no matter what was so sweet I tears up a lil. Can’t wait to see how their relationship blooms also new person next chapter?

Anniexoxo created a topic of Full volume

Ugh here come the disapproving relatives. Like damn the grandfather lowkey remind me of the grandpa from the manhua here u are (but at least he accepted) don’t think this expiring piece of dust will. Keep strong dowon you don’t come out to these unsupporting piece of shits

*gasp* no way saki’s friend from when he was little was hotaru’s grandfather?! Wait so was he only talking to saki cuz his granddaughter was playing and he was watching her or what?? Cuz hotaru couldn’t even recognize her own grandfather…

Anniexoxo created a topic of Leave the Work to Me!

HELLL YEAAAA IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! I even skipped the first side story for this

Anniexoxo created a topic of Instant Family

Whatchu mean where he at? He beating up some bastards with…a bottle

Anniexoxo created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Seonwoo and Mr jeong both having incriminating evidence to fuck over their company is sending me

Anniexoxo created a topic of Angel Buddy

Wait how did taker come back after he used up his energy??

Anniexoxo created a topic of Night Song

I love how slow this story is going it gives me more time to feel everything the character is feeling and you can see the character development even if it’s subtle

Anniexoxo created a topic of Waterside Night

Ooh I wanna pick this up so bad but after s1 ended I couldn’t keep reading cuz of the angst I might wait til it’s completed idk

Anniexoxo created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

Damn the amount of time they were cockblocked by that guy

Anniexoxo created a topic of Day Off

Wait so is lin shi the top? Cuz he’s giving me major top vibes

Anniexoxo created a topic of Define The Relationship

Dang the author just edging us so much like look at all the sexual tension it’s making me melt

Anniexoxo created a topic of Hosik's story

I dont know why I rated it so high since the last time I read it was in 2018-19 (when I was getting into bls) and whooo this story was a doozy. I didn’t like beginning of the story because of the way it started out. First few ch we see hosik raped and manipulated by sungyeon and only in the later chapters do we see why he did what he did and why he was so obsessed with him and all i had to say bout this was I’d kill myself if someone did this shit to me and not even discuss bout having the baby just straight up we’ll keep it like huh? Like don’t get me wrong I liked the side stories and the babies were so cute I loved them but I feel like jinwoo (mc’s bsf) was the only person in the story who had common sense and voice of reasoning. He’s the one who scheduled an appt for hosik even tho male pregnancy was smth new. He came to the appt with hosik and knew what he needed was to just push past this and recover. Then sungyeon with his weird stalkerish ass swoop in and manipulate/gaslight hosik into having the baby! Idk bout yall but if I went to a MT expecting to just eat and have fun wouldn’t you think I would abort the f-cking baby after I got violated somewhere I wasn’t expecting to be?? Some of the comments here justifying this rlly ain’t sitting right in my heart. I finished this cuz I thought this would be brought up and talked bout not brushed off like that ish didn’t happen? The side stories trying to justify it too was the cake cuz now that I know the reason sungyeon was like that all I could think was someone should’ve protected hosik from him