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Dalia May 9, 2024 7:04 am

Am I the only one who finds the ML lacking? Like I find his looks and behavior just mediocre. Like he has his moments which I find cute, but overall it's just bland? Also the way he talks about the FL just isn't appealing to me, it's more like an object then a person. I also find Edgard more appealing since he gets to know anerose more as a person then an object for revenge? Idk I'd that makes sense. It just feels like the ML is leading the fl on but also isn't since he holds feelings for her it seems

    Ohmarwin May 9, 2024 8:42 am

    Yeah me too

    Yuu May 18, 2024 4:54 am

    i'm still rooting for red hair bae

Dalia March 12, 2024 3:18 am

I really don't have sympathy for the girl with the bob whose brother was attacked. She gonna do this whole "I didn't know, I'm sorry thing" and I'm not buying it. She had accused Al for years and had damaged him in several ways all because she didn't want to hear him out. I also understand that she was a child and so was her brother which made the situation even worse. But it wasn't strange to no one that no investigation was done and that Al wasnt questioned for his motive? Like if i was the parent of the child who had been abused i would have had that whole manor investigated and learned about Al's motive. Instead (this is what I remember) Al was just punished by the head of the house and that was it. I don't believe Al was made to apologize or anything ( correct me if I'm wrong). I understand that she was mad that Al got to continue his life while her brother lived with the consequences of the attack but as an adult instead of lashing out she should have been asking for reparations and justice. Instead she put her family and brother in a tense situation.

    rhaine15 March 12, 2024 5:28 am

    Yeah. the nerve of her to act so shocked when she was so sure on blaming Al

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