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Does the novel of this has the same title? Or where can I read the novel?

Yazalleas asked a question

Idk if it's only me who noticed that the GL they're releasing today is low quality plot.. yes yes bash me all you want but it's true. Unless you're a mediocre yourself that can't distinguish good and bad GL ☠

Yazalleas created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Idk but the storyline is... Soso. Unlike the previous author work this story is meh.. only lonely horny homies that has toxic traits would love this but oh well you do what you do

Yazalleas created a topic of Lily of the Valley

I'll drop this i hate these kind of things

Yazalleas created a topic of Lily of the Valley

They really did anna dirty, I'm sobbing

I love the part where Callisto begged Penelope not to die and he will do anything just don't leave him in this hell of a life

I can feel Phil's boundaries that she set on everyone, cause I too don't trust anyone except the count (her nanny) I am a little bit suspicious too about her bio father and her poster father. I can't trust everyone

Yazalleas created a topic of Half

Where can I read this in better translations? Idm paying. This translation is shitty wtf


It all got shamble when he lose his screws. Its not interesting to read this anymore

Yazalleas created a topic of Shine on You

Awwee we WLW ppl have short stories

Cliches all over tsk tsk, I'm here for the cooking ಠ_ಠ

Yazalleas created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Where can I read this? I can pay just to read this in better translation. The translation are so stupidly translated. So please give me the website fo the original translations

I know that he will betray Penelope but this is not the betrayal I was expecting. Whaat!!??

This is the kind of story I like, not a full blown romance. Definitely be waiting for the original/proper translation.

This is why I love this story, not like other stories that even 200+ chapters they don't grow lol. Tia is beautiful superb

Yazalleas created a topic of Kidnapped Bride

Can't stand the translation, it's worst than a grade school pupil