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Yuki created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

We need extra with the babies!

Yuki created a topic of Half Goblin

When are they gonna show us the baby?

Yuki created a topic of Toumei na Ai no Utsuwa

I don't want it to end. I wish there's more. It's so refreshing to read

Yuki created a topic of Finder

I forgot the story but too lazy to read it again.

Yuki created a topic of Did It Work
Yuki created a topic of Surge Looking For You

There are side stories hope someone upload them when english translation is out

When is he going to stop chasing him!? It's not worth it, he deserves better. I'm not saying the teacher is better but someone who will appreciate his efforts and cherish him. Or atleast give as a HARD and LONG chasing ark

Yuki created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Give shinie to me, I'll take care of him. Or atleast give me shinie's story

Yuki created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

It's much better if they're best friends/childhood friends than brothers.

Yuki created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Hope there's side stories about them taking care of the babies and I wanna see the twins in the baby form

Yuki created a topic of Puppy Love

They're hurting my puppy . Can we just keep him and find him more suitable alpha! Those brothers are so stressful..

Yuki created a topic of Rix Vanus

Is this really the end? Hope there's extra

Yuki created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

I don't like this 3rd story hope they just end up finding other people to fall inlove and the yellow haired to not know his brother loves him and then the brother finding another love. I prefer seeing the 2nd couple more since their story needs mkre development. AND MORE OF WOWO AND BIG HEAD, THEY'RE SO CUTE

Yuki created a topic of Puppy Love

Hope karma hits hard to his father and brother.

Yuki created a topic of Puppy Love

Both dad and brother must go to hell!

Yuki created a topic of Rivalry

1st couple is unique and great story. 2nd, not so much I've read a lot with similar theme/story.

Yuki created a topic of My Master