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icy asked a question

can someone recommend me mangas where both match each other's freaks? something like: or

icy created a topic of In the Doghouse


icy followed a goer
18 04,2024
icy asked a question

can someone recc me with a plot where they're in a fwb relationship but the other one has feelings? cuz im lowkey in one rn now i need to easeeeeee the pain. k thx

icy followed a goer
23 01,2024
icy asked a question

can someone recommend a manga that where both secretly like each other but one was afraid to commit so they ended up seperating? :'))

icy created a topic of Payback

he's so old he's almost disintegrating

icy answered question about chat about anything
4am - wake up 5am - 7am - get ready to school 7am - 5pm - school 6pm - do my chores 7am - 12am - study 1am - sleep yes i only get around 3 - 4 hours of sleep everyday when there's school. i am also still shocked how i'm still alive at this point. but i tend to laze off when around the weekends so i guess that's good
icy answered question about question
i always send this to my friends when they're doing bullshit
icy answered question about usual search on ph
icy answered question about chat about anything
rated the ones i have read. the dash means i haven't read it yet but interested and the cross means i haven't and will not read it in the future
icy answered question about your opinions
a 2 year age gap isn't big but power dynamics can still exists in this types of relationships especially when one is a minor and and the other is A LITERAL adult.
icy answered question about question
hi straight A student here. after i go home from school, i immediately write the notes i have written down on my papers to my notebook and that serves as a refresher from the lessons i have learned throughout the day. i do my assignments after that and i just listen to podcasts during that. if i have a quiz or exam the next day, i use a flashcard a......
icy asked a question

im looking for some slow burn reads that makes the ending so good that i don't regret wasting my time on in lol thx thx

icy answered question about have a habit
re-reading the same mangas every other day when i literally have over 1000+ in my "want to read" list
icy answered question about we are screwed
mine started last week and its been really great for me. being able to hang out with my friends are my highlights of the last few days. i'd say dont worry and try to enjoy the firat days of school cuz we'll be still months away from exams lol
icy answered question about favorite youtube channel
i remember suddenly waking up in 12am just to read solo levelling in my bathroom up until 4am. i don't regret it one bit

she keeps saying "if this is politics is like, can i survive here?" when she literally was an empress in her previous life

icy answered question about question
i ghost people. i find it really tiring to message people back and feel like there's a lack on interaction compared to talking to someone one-on-one.
icy asked a question

hi! can you share ur favorite horror recs? preferably underrated ones. thank u i really appreciate it