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AUTUMN ✿ June 22, 2021 2:56 am

im having the second hand embarrassment, i barely read the side stories but i have to finish the manga!! HAHAHAHAHAH (>////<) i thought dr.momoki's father and shou could just start dating but his test is really urgh~ i can't HAHAHAHAHA gonna yeet myself. know i know why his marriage didn't work.

AUTUMN ✿ June 12, 2021 12:25 am

he's really fine when he take off his glasses but he still handsome and cute when he wears one. im glad that it ended up happily for both of them. just when will i experience this kind of soft love? i already graduated in college and still no sign? wish i am really beatiful :<

AUTUMN ✿'s questions ( All 1 )

AUTUMN November 23, 2020 3:34 am

am i the only one who doesn't get a notification even when i bookmarked the chapter? can someone care to explain why this happen? this never happened before.

    Ann Hellion November 23, 2020 3:48 am

    You have to click the 'I'm reading this manga' to be able to be notified, the bookmark just saves the chapter.

    kokomi November 23, 2020 4:36 am

    make sure you are subscribed to the mnaga too

    AUTUMN November 24, 2020 5:32 am

    i checked and already subscribed to both of the manhwa's im reading. i dont get why it didnt notify me. i even regularly update the browser im using :(( but thanks you two, you're so sweet for answering my question. ann hellion and kokomi

    kokomi November 24, 2020 6:07 am
    i checked and already subscribed to both of the manhwa's im reading. i dont get why it didnt notify me. i even regularly update the browser im using :(( but thanks you two, you're so sweet for answering my ques... AUTUMN

    aw yw :( i hope u figure it out tho!

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