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ngl if it were me in that situation id rather go back to that crazy kinky dude

im tired of these bitches creating more problems for temselves by keeping their mouths shut

masterbaiter created a topic of Jinx

oh my god he asks for consent when hes drunk

masterbaiter followed question about live in omegaverse universe

those type of stories u love and leave u wanting for more chaps

08 01,2024
masterbaiter created a topic of That Man's Secret Day

he probably made those fake break up request emails just to see her or something

masterbaiter asked a question

maybe kinda weird ish to ask here but do you guys recommend any cute romance kdramas ? Im kinda tired of asking my friends who give me the same reccs so

masterbaiter asked a question

i need more masc women rbquduwhdua gl with masc women thank u!!!!!!!!


masterbaiter created a topic of Jinx

I mean he’s not wrong dan def needed to hear that

masterbaiter asked question about i need to study

I never realized how ugly feet are Like i cant even look at a full body mirror at home without taking a quick glance at my feet and how ugly they are. Genuinely how do people get turned on by such a thing

masterbaiter asked question about question

Forums are quiet so fight over literally anything (that isn’t controversial)

masterbaiter asked question about question

Forums are quiet so fight over literally anything

masterbaiter asked a question
masterbaiter asked question about empty thoughts

It could be about the users here in general, or how it works, or when you read mangas on here

masterbaiter like the answer
the ultimate dilf, babygirl, twink, anime woman and should be the ultimate sexyman