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Tags: yaoi aww

this couple is the funniest

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Tags: yaoi

yess im glad :)

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i see. they have ego fights but deep down they love each other

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damn this guy is so TSUNDERE

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thats why u gotta love whilst you can.

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Fiction is the safe space to explore romances with creepy characters like this. in real life he'd be charged with multiple cases of sexual assault, r*pe (the car scene) and sexual harassments. But I think hating on people for liking this story is not fair, sometimes this kind of setting helps people who are repressed in real life find a fictional outlet for themselves. It is the safest way for people to explore what its like to be with a creepy and obsessive man.

Mebuki deserves better in my opinion, because it will be very hard to overcome his manipulation and control tactics. Yet she is a really powerful force, and I like how she directly tells him she hates it (but i wish she can go police). I hope things work out for her.

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yoo wait a sec type moon and i same brainwave for saber alter burger dream

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Tags: aww

XD cu is part of taiga family

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boar hunting. my senses tingling. taiga cute

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girl you are amazing too pls dont value ur girl over urself

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Tags: aww yaoi


wot?!! created a topic of Tokyo Ghoul (Oneshot)

The plot twists were exciting, I am so glad this oneshot got the green light. Ishida Sui making masterpieces