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rube created a topic of Undercover Darling

Love the plot but hate that the author won't make the mc commit to being undercover. He's prob gonna fck it up with all his outbursts and it's annoying bc he's doing exactly what he wanted to before so why can't he do it now???

Also he obviously liked the ml before so why is so hard for him to lean into it???? It's not like the ml doesn't know his feelings so it shouldn't be that embarrassing

rube created a topic of Stars Seeing Nightmares

Hosung needs a performance review. That boy can't sniff out such a big issue with the nightmares even if it slaps him in the face

rube created a topic of Open at Night

Ooooh that's embarrassing. I mean how long did he think he can keep the lie going considering they go to the same school/classes

rube created a topic of Into The Thrill

How is it possible to redeem such a character if he's directly involved in the drugging and assault of multiple people?

They'd have to pull the twin brother trope out their ass or something

rube created a topic of Cozy Obsession

I'm thinking his friend irl loved him and wrote this story or his sister did. Has to be someone that knows the friend's house if it the same irl and in the book

rube created a topic of Under the Green Light

"I promise" in a story like this is never a good sign

rube created a topic of Feel My Benefit

This author seems to have a thing for m×m×m

rube created a topic of Fight Club

He's such a cutie patootie but a VERY strong willed cutie and I live that for him. Make that stupid alpha get on his knees

rube created a topic of Fight Club

I have officially adopted Tae wook that's my baby and minivan better not hurt him (although it kinda seems impossible now)

rube created a topic of Fight Club

Some complaining about the meme distracting the flow of the story then there's me who had to re-read the chapter multiple times just to find it.

Maybe yall should focus more in the story??? Idk

rube created a topic of Projection

Omg its.......cute? I thought it would go the typical route. I might have to stick around

I can't stop reading peridot as periodt

Saying "hurry up so we can have sex" while he's birthing your partial child is fcking crazy

Finished the novel and while I'm happy the main couple had their happy ending the antagonists also having a happy ending annoyed me

Also fck cliff

rube created a topic of Into The Blue Water

The end of ch1 had me so confused I needed to jump to the latest ch to see what was up.......ummm idt this is for me. I can't sympathize with the brother when all he's been doing is SA-ing him. Obsessive love is fine but it would've been better if he was trying to make the MC fall for him WITHOUT sex. This is a Stockholm syndrome "love" story

rube created a topic of Gig of the Day

Idk but the ml hasn't done or said anything to give the mc the wrong idea. He obviously has some issues

Now the ml ain't great cause he didn't need to say all that and in that way but he didn't lead him on

Idk about anyone else but I kinda wanna see the mc lose his smile? Or should I say wake up from his naivety?

rube created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

Omg I'm actually dying hahahahahaha wtf was that even

Every update this story gets even more confusing which sucks cause the art is stunning

I love them so much omg

Already dreading the fallout when everything is revealed. Hopefully dohu doesn't choose that moment to be mute and not communicate clearly

They got together so why does it feel soo anticlimactic

rube created a topic of Arpeggio on Sea Surface

Sorry but this shit has gone to the gutters lol

Not like it was a literary masterpiece at the start but there was potential for a really good story
