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DorkyLapis March 6, 2021 7:27 pm

YESSSS—Hello Caly!! I loved your transitions for “Dukes Private Tutor”, you did an amazing job! Keep up the good work <3

DorkyLapis March 4, 2021 4:49 am

Incase you didn’t read it, I’ll say it again.

If you really don’t want spoilers, turn back now. Btw, the spoilers will be pretty specific from like, every chapter basically.
Last warning. I’ll also leave a trigger warning now that you’ve come this far.
Ok so, from what I’ve seen, I think it’s in Spanish or something ( I’m so sorry if it isn’t Spanish ), and I can’t read it, but what I can gather is that Taker and Suho go through some shit. This is basically the calm before the storm, the part we’re at. So, Suho seems upset about something, which is shown by his face. When he cuddles with Taker, he clenches his fist, etc etc. He’s basically stressed I’m assuming. So, the Angel that’s in their house ( If I remember correctly, the chief?? Idk the white haired one LMAO ), she tells Suho something which causes him to act this way. Eventually, Suho tells taker something and Taker makes a dreadful face, one full of despair. Idk why, but like I said, probsbly not good. I kinda went really fast at this part but there’s a good thing at least!!

They see a cute dog!

It’s there for at least a few chapters, and it has WINGS AH IT’S SO CUTE—and Taker and Suho have sex (?) in a locker

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