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mika-maki created a topic of Gentle Forest

I think I saw a spoiler like there’s a baby. Or i’m just hallucinating. Idk. But I know that i started reading this because of that spoiler

mika-maki created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

This is so weird but I’m down. Let’s see what happens

mika-maki created a topic of 2020

This got me feeling doki doki. The smut scenes are fantastic. I love this. I hope the execution of the plot build up is amazing too

mika-maki created a topic of Pick Me Up

I thought 90 chapters are long enough. Oh boy I was wrong

mika-maki created a topic of The Third Ending


I want them as my other parents. I love them so much

mika-maki created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I’m already knee-deep into this. I need more

mika-maki created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
mika-maki created a topic of Chen Shang

Who is momo’s parents??? Im confused

Now this is realistic. Gray-colored characters. Relatable struggles. What more could you ask for? This is GOLD

mika-maki created a topic of Bad Friend

Another dumb and dumber. I love this already

mika-maki created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

The egg finally cracked!!!!

mika-maki created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome
mika-maki created a topic of Missing Romance

I live for this long-term relationship daily POVs. I need more domestic fluffs istg. I need to cleanse my eyes from those psychotic webtoons/mangas i’ve read before

mika-maki created a topic of It will be added, Soon

It became a gps tracker. I’m losing my mind