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Amal created a topic of Crucial Point

Give me some similar recommendations please

Amal created a topic of A well known love affair

there are so many raws that it would be hard for one person to translate it

She said it in the flashback and now? I’m mad confused can someone tell me what chapter the flashback was now I have to reread cuz I’m not understanding shit

Amal created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Why even bother to upload this this just made me angry

Ugh I’m so happy this didn’t take 80 chapters and that they found out quickly about the reincarnation

Amal created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

I hope that when they grow up he calls him dad because he really lovessssss that child

Amal created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

Like his mom that left not his step mother that died. Since she’s still alive and he’s way older now I wonder if she’ll get back into contact with him

I am the only that was waiting for this since he has this hairstyle on the cover like I’m sorry but now I actually see what they mean by he’s handsome

Amal created a topic of High Society

Nah like I’m being fr but I’m surprised she didn’t either die or kill him

Amal created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

Wow emotional fucking rollercoaster

Y know as a girly I tried to like her but I can’t cuz I feel like she has this holier than thou attitude like girlll stop it especially the whole fight thing at school ! It’s not giving heroine

Amal created a topic of Debut or Die

He really taught moondae was gonna choose him I just had to stop reading for a sec because he looked so hopeful

Amal created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

He said I was going to build a cabin which he did but then barely uses it and what about his personal life like does he have family? And what does his house look like? I’m so curious

Amal created a topic of Jinx

His granny died didn’t she cuz why make it so suspicious

Amal created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Imagine if you hadn’t seen the April fools chapter then that read the comments

Amal created a topic of Debut or Die

Pls help me find something to read guys im bored to death over here

Amal created a topic of Debut or Die

Okay so I saw some spoilers about moondae fainting or something so someone pls spoil me heavilyyy

Bro am I just impatient or what? From the chapter they told us that her friends were coming till now it’s taking wayyyyyyyy too long can’t wait for the reunion I hope she jumps in happiness