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LordBM October 24, 2020 4:13 am

I hope this one doesn't end up with Kiara kissing his father's arse like other webtoon. If I have the chance to turn back time again I'd stop looking for his affection and recognized by the father. Fuck him for neglecting her for the past 18 years for whatever reason he had. I'll go out and leave the estate. It's not Kiara who'll lose shit, it's the Duke who'll lose a saintess. Just literally fuck HIM and COSSETTE UP PLEASE

LordBM October 2, 2020 2:25 pm

Them bitches deserve death but before death they deserve to suffer! The more I read it the more despicable I know the antagonists are. The parents deserve a low worse too. No matter how I see it they let their kids did things that any human being shouldn't.

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