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NadeIchiko created a topic of Jinx

What were all of you expecting lol, it'd really be satisfying to see Jaekyung being grateful, happy an praising Dan? xD ofc not, that'd be out of his character, and he was so pissed bc he was actually worried and more pissed bc he couldn't sleep well with Dan going in a out the house at night xD, I agree, the man is broke and has one job, two in fact, just focus on that please stupid Kim Dan. People, read the room, I really appreciate de consistency and coherence Minhwa maintain, just my opinion ofc.

NadeIchiko created a topic of Jinx

I like it, I wasn't expecting better, I wasn't expecting less, It's just in its point, for me that is. The pace is perfect for the story, Mingwa's art is what it is, it speaks for itself, nothing out of place here, I really appreciate that