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Kinnng created a topic of Waterside Night

That's right! Or what?! Tell him Taeju!!

Kinnng created a topic of Jinx

This 30 year old man is so gullible. Who tf follows a stranger who knows of his grandmother's situation

Kinnng created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

So is he his great great great great great grandfather or sumthn

Kinnng created a topic of Jinx

Given her old age while having cancer, i think she has to go. Her body is already failing her and that's making it hard for her and dan as well. The doctor already said it so and dan was able to provide treatment for her bc of jaekyung but it's still not working. Keeping her alive would just make both of them suffer more..i think the only thing he can do now is be with her and make up for the time he lost

Kinnng created a topic of There Is No Place for Fakes

I could say the same thing to you but unlike phil, she actually took care of her duties as princess while you weren't doing your job as a knight. Knight, my ass

Kinnng created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family


Is there really no continuation between chap 108 and 109?? I've been waiting for it to be fixed bc it looked like some pages were missing..

Is there really no continuation between chap 108 and 109?? I've been waiting for it to be fixed bc it looked like some pages were missing

Kinnng created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

Oh my god i totally forgot he loses his arm that scared me for a moment

Kinnng created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Eclise? Who's that? I don't know anyone in the manhwa a ML with that name


Kinnng created a topic of Ashtarte