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luvhoodie followed a list
luvhoodie created a topic of Serious Joke

ngl i thought our second couple would've been a 3p couple because of... yk... BUT AYYE FINALLY GLASSES BOI'S GETTING A BF LESGOOOOOO

luvhoodie created a topic of Lotto princess

istg these chapters of raciel's story got me crying to no ends bro (╥﹏╥) AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON CHAPTER 63 OMFG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ༼;´༎  ༎༽

luvhoodie created a topic of Kiss de Egaku Ittousei

back for vol.2 and the angst seems *heavy* on this one. time to buckle up yall ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭