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ionian_blade created a topic of Slammer Dogs

They smell like what now

Please let him grow his hair out even for just a couple of chapters cuz like… look at the potential

ionian_blade created a topic of Renchin!

Oh no they all caught the gay

Not me just continuing this story like I have a single clue who the hell any of these people are

ionian_blade created a topic of Comes In Threes

Nurse they’re out again

ionian_blade created a topic of Flip the script

This brother is getting on my nerves

ionian_blade created a topic of Flip the script

Grandfather (extremely business minded) not being opposed to him “dating” the only heir to a huge company? Whaaaat

ionian_blade created a topic of Comes In Threes

Wait this man was built like this?!

Said it before and I’ll say it again… praying for Seo An assassin arc

ionian_blade created a topic of Wet Sand

TJ, the man that you are…

ionian_blade created a topic of Form of Broken Love

Ok that whole “You wanna see my tattoos” move would’ve got me ngl

Hol awnnn the brothers looking hella good

ionian_blade created a topic of Shining Summer

He’s got two holes for a reason

ionian_blade created a topic of Nerd Project

Whaaaat but default neutaaaa is so cute

Bro really said “I’m him”

ionian_blade created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Ok face card is issued to the family

ionian_blade created a topic of Nerd Project