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AinoKusabi already read

Once the bullies target you, it’s game over. The school is run by tyrants whose favorite hobby...

  • Author: razen,seopass
  • Genres: Action / Drama / School Life / Shounen / Webtoons

Now this is where it all started. I wanted to read something completely different, and I have to say, this story is excellent. The characters are unique as is the story. And the art is great! I love how Gray Yeon and how he has all these wonderful supporting characters, and how the introductions and backstories switch smoothly back and forth. The only downside is the number of chapters it takes to complete a scene or backstory and the tidbits of repetition--although I get why the author did this, it can be distracting and it can stifle the momentum. My favourites are Gray Yeon, Donald Na, Wolf Keum, and Ben Park. And, sorry. Although I love him, I just can't re-read about Stephen. I cried enough the first time. And I loathe Jimmy Bae. Seriously, he just makes me grit my teeth.