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Guku created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer

shE'S SOOOO CUUUTE AND MY SHIP IS FINALLY SAILING (sorta cause it's one sided as of now) SO A WIN IN A WINNN

Guku created a topic of Double Trap

that WAS SO FUCKING HOT BUT SO SWEET TOO?! WHERE CAN I SIGN UP FOR THIS?!! asking for a friend :)))) (i won't be able to sleep well until ik how to attain this)

Guku created a topic of Struggle

honestly, this wasn't that bad but it was in fact good. i would've loved more stories afterwards like their marriage and all but it was a good ending tbh. everything was wrapped up nicely

Guku created a topic of Waterside Night

i can't believe i just binge read 76 chapters in less than a day


Guku created a topic of Jinx

he put the gojo curse on himself not only did he say "i never lose" but as someone before me mentioned, he didn't even have sex which is the whole point of why this is named jinx...

Guku created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

NOT THE "my one and only" LINE I AM DECEASED this's too beautiful omggg

Guku created a topic of Full volume

if any of ya'll know why they're proposing for the 2nd time pls reply to thissss

they're so precious here and i wanna enjoy this moment but i'm so confused as to why they're proposing for the 2nd time w rings like the last time was it cause they wanted to be in a committed relationship together and not for marriage??

Guku created a topic of Full volume

wait guys i'm confused like didn't they propose before?

Guku created a topic of Jinx

i can't believe i just cried reading this but welp it hit home... i miss my grandma soo much... especially now that i'm back home for the holidays fuuuck

Guku created a topic of Jinx

fuvk i miss my grandma sm...

Guku created a topic of Under the Green Light

i seriously hope that those drugs don't have a lasting effect on him

Guku created a topic of Under the Green Light

how the tables have turned cause matthew is there cause of drugs and not jin

Guku created a topic of Jinx

istg dan should've put alcohol into the soup or smth so he could've at least acted NORMAL when dan gave such a hard earned gift to him

Guku created a topic of Jinx

PACK UP AND LEAVE TF OUTTA THERE NOW!!! omg if i could i would've yeeted myself into this chapter and ranaway w dan or smth buT ik dan wouldn't even budge

Guku created a topic of Killer Peter

pls i can’t w ya’ll simping over both pietro and nathaniel haHAHAHA (but totally understandable)

Guku created a topic of Full volume

i’m honestly so happy like they finALLY MET WOOHOO

Guku created a topic of Full volume

same person different font typa shit