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found this cuz i saw a straight guy on twitter reading this really fast and screaming when he saw a weened

Syn.chronic created a topic of Uso Koi

peak and underrated wtf

Syn.chronic asked a question

does anyone have an enemies to lovers list? i’m looking for one w straight,Bl, and Gl

this is disgusting but as a girlie i know the stuff he did in the second chapter felt crazy good

Syn.chronic created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

dawg where is doha like is that bracelet just for SHOW

Syn.chronic created a topic of Double Trap

bro lost his edge streak noooo

i can’t even focus on the story everyone’s so hot jesus christ PLEASE ID BE UR ITEM SIR UNMHHHHHHNNGHHHH

girl this ain’t no melanie martinez mv PIPE DOWN THATS UR TEACHER

Syn.chronic created a topic of Eleceed


he asked the question. it’s happening NOOO

guys, it’s time to reread let’s all be honest none of us remember the plot after the long ass break and side stories

Syn.chronic created a topic of I Lost My Only SSR

no way theres no reviews to rely on. do i read this or nah

yea no i’d let him put a ring on it so fast