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harrzzard created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

i appreciate all the different perspectives here. i like how tsugumi's parent wont tolerate insult going to their son but also tsugumi himself doesnt care that much and is willing to change for megumi, tho megumi likes tsugumi the way that he is and megumi's dad is just being the unreasonable one here. i wonder if megumi's dad had an awful impression with omegas to the point of hatred or something idk but i think his main problem with tsugumi is that tsugumi is like a delinquent, crass and dumb idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯

harrzzard created a topic of High Clear

damn this is the first (albeit short) story where i started it when it only had 5 chapters to it being comepleted. the tensions, frustration and joy i felt watching the two mc navigate through their feelings and emotion was amazing. congratulations to yunbyeol sensei for completing this manhwa

i bet his ass was glaring bc he was staring and remembering his dream

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

we better see more jk suffering in the next season, pls he needs some shit on his table to make up for all the shitty things he has done to kim dan. also fun thought but wouldnt it be nice if he got hired for the pink haired dude?? itd be nice to see him and potato again durinh this whole "breakup" with jk, idk just a fun thought tho.

harrzzard created a topic of Gig of the Day

please dont break his wittle puppy heart!!! he cant be broken for another time lil puppy doesnt deserve it


this gibaek dude is CLEARLY leading on siru just bc he cant accept that other ppl might get interested in her and SHE might stop liking him.. like some immature jealous bish that wants all the affection of someone cuz he thinks of himself highly. maybe. idk. he is a good person probably but romantic relationship is hella messy. i hope siru realizes her situation with him and promptly break it off with him..

harrzzard created a topic of A Terrible Romance

the title rlly fits the whole story huh..

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

okay.. jk's anger is justified here.. from his perspective kim dan really seems like he has as trynna fuck him over but kim fucking dan ffs boi TELL HIM TO WHOLE STORY, dont be butthurt about him not trusting u when all suspicions points to u from his view, thats not what u do when ur in a spot like that

the art is SO GOOD, i cant with it every panel is so eye candy and i just cant look away, both of the ML looks hella good lookin bUT ALSO it pains me bc every interaction they have is all misunderstanding with a ton of miscommunication and a splash of dishonesty like bro they should ask the right questions and im pretty both would answer truthfully anyway (/TДT)/

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

i have not seen any raws but i think jaekyung will win this fight (as he always does) and i seriously think he will fire dan and still blame him for his poor performance during the fight (it's all jaekyung's fault btw) and maybe just maybe we'll get chapters of jaekyung realizing he needs kim dan (in many ways like sexually or smthn) and try (awfully) to win him back, i also think we'll get some background on jaekyung and as sadly as it would be, kim dan's grandma would not survive any longer..

this is just my wishful thinking tho.. but imagine..(not the grandma part)


harrzzard created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

thats not a plot twist i was expecting at all! he was a man after all this time?! i ship him with the glasses dude tho hehe but i love this manga so much, i love the drama and the intense sex scenes, just adds so much emotion and romance. BAKSU THANK U FOR THE UPDATE


harrzzard created a topic of Can't Think Straight

that shot of him having a boner is so fucking funny LMFAO

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

fuck, one chapter get gap moe af jaekyung the next we get this fucking asshole just crushing down on kim dan's existence.. fuckin hell, im intrigued on how jaekyung will ever be developed as a character.. plus im curious about his past like has he never felt love before? or did he once loved, got betrayed or something and so everything and anything that has to do with love, affection or feelings he just simply hates? i wanna know so bad bro. this toxicity is not it but im curious to know where all this shit show eventually ends up..

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

sO thats the reason why jaekyung dont drink, it's because he's a massive lightweight!!! somehow that makes him super gap moe lmfaooo, im looking forward to what drunk jaekyung does, hopefully its not some prank on dan or something..

harrzzard like topic of Jinx

parang tanga naman kim dan, pareho tayo.. mahilig sa red flags

harrzzard created a topic of Jinx

parang tanga naman kim dan, pareho tayo.. mahilig sa red flags

harrzzard created a topic of Form of Sympathy

the start was great, the drama, the intertwined bullshit and the hopelessness and straight up depressing plot lines and circumstances but why did the romance have to turn out that way? i understand that yuri was a psycho who has detachment issues but he turned full on yandere at the end.. like it couldve ended healthily but that shit felt even more toxic.. anyway good story nonetheless, i enjoyed it enough to finish the whole thing lol the ending was just a bit meh for me. GOOD JOB STILL AUTHOR-NIM, i like seonwoo and yohan as characters the best (=・ω・=)