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RisaBoopette July 10, 2021 12:34 pm

yall are too sensitive about Rubiel and Sir Trolben. it's a fictional story smh

RisaBoopette May 22, 2021 6:44 pm

i think the anime is tons better than this manga. the pacing is too fast and it seems like they've turned the fleshed out concept into a shallow plot. i saw another comment that said this manga was made after the anime and the crew hadn't even watched it before drawing it. that's pretty believable given what i've just read. i don't think the ending really makes much sense at all with Ahiru staying as a human as she is actually a duck. the story of "prince and the raven" is actually a tragedy afterall. ahiru becoming a duck and fakir living their days together is the truest ending the story could have. there's no tragedy and they live their lives in content with their true selves. ahiru was simply a duck and fakir was never meant to be the knight, but a writer. mythos was the true prince from the story and rue felt a deep love for mythos through and through. she was kidnapped and raised as the raven princess so she technically is from within the story.
it just felt right you know?
anyways this is just my personal take on it.

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