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Hnnh_Mirai's feed

Hnnh_Mirai created a topic of Gold Gray

The storyline was good. The characterization was perfectly humane. All of them were victims of the Roenjoy's previous head. That stupid mfucker put all his sons into chaos, trauma, and had them grew up with no EQ. Their upbringing was so shitty but even tho I understood them, it does not justify their actions. Rain is the real victim here. Even if it is frustrating how he always want to escape Lukas, his idea about his condition is close to zero. Imagine being the only surviving omega where there is little study about your behavior, you would be so lonely, scared, and skeptic of it all, Im so glad he has a strong spirit to live his life after what he went thru. Lukas and Rain's quarrel always stems on lies and secrets, but as the saying goes, third times the charm. All of what they experienced would shape their rs and be with eo forever. Lukas changed, he has enough empathy and learnt from his mistakes. EunSol bby so cutie. I may hate Joshua for all his sins but I wish just a lil bit that him and Noel had a differrent route (where Josh did not push with arson). Noel loved him until the end even if he had committed those crime (you would too if you had witnessed what happened to your childhood friend); I might also guess that Joshua loved him too, he loved him incorrectly but still chose to let Noel go (Im hoping that they got together in the end). In the end the company's sin was given to Josh mainly due to his actions. Gosh his mother took her own life infront of him his fuxk of a father(imma kill tjis man if i could), no wonder Joshua was so psychotic. The female doctor's character was a good addition but Im annoyed at her personality; I just think she acts like that because it really isnt easy to grasp the rich people's idea of reality.