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♡jjagi♡ created a topic of Nerd Project

No way they're gonna make us wait for s2 just to see Andrew insert it! They could've done at least one round at the end of s1

♡jjagi♡ created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I really loved this manhwa, it was fluffy and hot at the same time. But the last chapters got toxic and tiring to read as it went on. I know that the story is realistic and it happen a lot in real life, but i was only disappointed because I didn't think that this manhwa would turn out like this. I thought it was a feel good read, something fluffy to escape from the stress of life but noooo. I really liked the first part though, until before sunbae became irritating...

Omg Chi is all grown up! Though the manga about her childhood is not yet finished. The author is so diligent in writing these mangas

This story came from 100 to 0... it's disappointing how the last few chapters were rushed and doesn't even makes sense anymore. It was so good at the beginning but it became absolute shit at the end. The author must have felt tired of writing it :(((

♡jjagi♡ created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The name Sung Unknown is kinda funny to me