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I can't find translated novel anywhere NU says it's been translated but there are no chapters help ╥﹏╥

Why are the updates so slow I left it off in June 2023 n there's only 8 chaps since

It's getting a bit weird like the emotions the reader should feel r being fed to us so it's not that interesting anymore I'd rather not be forcefed views about the story by the author the way the author tried to justify killing humans is not very praiseworthy many stories kill of humans but they feel more real when they stop trying to normalize killing humans cz it just isn't normal no matter circumstances of the MC u can't make me believe it was the right thing to do. It had to be done sure but it was not justified take ORV for example they showed examples of kids murdering cz they had to survive not because it was the right thing to do

The r many problems but I'm lazy to go back n recount each single one of em he kills someone then makes it sound like it's natural, confuses ppl whatever he said was unnecessary he could've looked cooler not saying a single word after that but nop author needs a white character who's just the right amount of black or vice versa whatever floats ur boat, manipulated the thug guy to give him a valuable item for protection but didn't do squat after instead killed him nice try whitewashing author

Reaps benefits from the ppl he's on good terms with too but the favors he gives in return don't mean much like the buffer girl gave him a buff for info on round 5 but he didn't even tell her anything he told her to find him basically so she ends up owing him more but didn't give any actual info really she's smart so I think could've survived that round even without his help and he doesn't really tell her her worth like he's trying to not let them realize what they're own strongpoints/advantages are so these r just my two cents and y'all r free to think otherwise

Fuuuuuuuu I wrote such a large ah essay n the page suddenly reloads before I can post it

Idky this author really doesn't wanna make good mls
I've seen my fair share of obsessive mls who r good but idk I just hate all the mls like wtf is wrong with em all
duke is a creep, prince is a stalky guy n wolfy even tho he didn't give me the ick he's just so unremarkably plain like he has so much potential n the author nerfed the livin f outta that guy
N the mc is also ??? I was invested in the beginning but the author suddenly dumbed him down????? He also creeps me out like he's playing hard to get instead of actually being bothered