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cdevi created a topic of The World After The Fall

one sword wasn’t enough I guess, gotta pull out that other one now smh

cdevi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

when are they gonna realize if it was not gonna b bc of recognizing each other's voices

I should've let it marinate I've been left hanging on the edge of my seat every damn chapter for weeks

he's gonna be unstoppable now (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

cdevi created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

if you truly loved him you'd want him to live no matter what. bro is fucked up in the noggin this is beyond obsessive

cdevi created a topic of Blaze Out

I'm excited to see where this is gonna go

cdevi created a topic of Payback

everyday my heart grows colder waiting for you, season 3 my beloved

cdevi created a topic of Gig of the Day

omg it originally reminded me of jinx but hopefully this one is less toxic the characters and dynamics are so similar tho

cdevi created a topic of Nerd Project

Andy protecting luke was so everything also andy being a savage mf beast was so satisfying

cdevi created a topic of Cry Me a River

the way they are both intj personality types is both kinda crazy and a little expected at the same time

cdevi created a topic of Define The Relationship

I don't think that portrayed a very healthy reaction I hope he actually finds this hot and acceptable afterwards otherwise ash is just kinda manipulating his weak side

cdevi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

my setting at my highest level of sleep deprivation is just absolute yappinator 3000 like whatever thought pops around in my head immediately comes out my mouth no filter

cdevi created a topic of Another Lie

oh shit when they said incident I thought they meant like minjae dipping the country not dipping his fucking life bro what

dear universe, I humbly plead for a carcel of my own
sincerely, a depraved smut reader


wishing fictional characters were real for the 1368th time this week

cdevi created a topic of Jinx

me personally, how does think jumin is attractive... like girl where? how?? not me, no sir.

cdevi created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

it feels like a part of my life just ended. I knew it was coming but damn I've been reading this for so long it's gonna feel weird

cdevi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

you invite your weird new neighbor over just to find out it's your online gaming friend you unknowingly have a crush on