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27 12,2016 uploaded
Gore_Whore January 5, 2017 8:28 am

Helix-chan!!!! <3 Guro-sama is here again to help you. :3
These two are Ban & Ginji from this manga. :D
It has an anime too. :D Very bromantic!!!~ xD

helix January 7, 2017 6:41 am

Awww, too bad it's not yaoi, but bromance will do ^^
My lovely, how will I ever repay you?

Gore_Whore January 8, 2017 8:18 pm
Awww, too bad it's not yaoi, but bromance will do ^^My lovely, how will I ever repay you? helix

Yeah bromance is nice too. Sometimes even better when they just teasing. xD
Ahhh you don't have to....just a cute Thanks from my adorable Onion-chan is enough. ;D <3

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