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27 12,2016 uploaded
helix January 7, 2017 6:40 am

Srsly? I've read that one! Dumb me xD thx my love

Gore_Whore January 8, 2017 8:19 pm
Srsly? I've read that one! Dumb me xD thx my love helix

Hahaha it happens.....maybe you've read it a loooooong time ago? xDD

helix January 9, 2017 2:55 am
Hahaha it happens.....maybe you've read it a loooooong time ago? xDD Gore_Whore

Yeah, probably. But I have a problem with remembering faces in RL too, so no wonder I didn't recognize this guy.

Gore_Whore January 9, 2017 6:26 am
Yeah, probably. But I have a problem with remembering faces in RL too, so no wonder I didn't recognize this guy. helix

Hahaha must be funny if you see a person again and you just stay there like this. xDD

helix January 9, 2017 9:51 pm
Hahaha must be funny if you see a person again and you just stay there like this. xDD Gore_Whore

Lol, it's exactly like that xD Sometimes I don't even get the gender right...

Gore_Whore January 10, 2017 6:58 am
Lol, it's exactly like that xD Sometimes I don't even get the gender right... helix

Wahhhh really? xD Do you meet many people like that? :D

helix January 10, 2017 1:06 pm
Wahhhh really? xD Do you meet many people like that? :D Gore_Whore

Oh, I didn't mean any agender or transgender/genderfluid etc. ppl, haven't met them in RL. I meant like I'm talking to a cashier or waiter/waitress and after a moment I can't remember if it was male or female ;___;
Idk if it makes any sense...

But there was a case when I misgendered sb, I admit. It was so embarassing... ╥﹏╥

Gore_Whore January 10, 2017 8:20 pm
Oh, I didn't mean any agender or transgender/genderfluid etc. ppl, haven't met them in RL. I meant like I'm talking to a cashier or waiter/waitress and after a moment I can't remember if it was male or female ;... helix

Ahahah okay i understand. Maybe because you just don't bother much about them. xD
Ohhhhh haha was it a boy or girl? xD

helix January 11, 2017 6:48 am
Ahahah okay i understand. Maybe because you just don't bother much about them. xD Ohhhhh haha was it a boy or girl? xD Gore_Whore

Crap, this sounds like I'm a horrible human being ;__; But it's more like I don't care too much about other's appearance in general. Idk, my father is the same way xD Oh, but I recognize my neighbours by their dogs ^^

It was a girl. I wanted to ask for directions and she was in the shadow (sorta). It was sth like that: "Excuse me, madame... sir? madame? ..." -___- I could've asked in a neutral wat, but NOO, I had to come out as a prick.

Gore_Whore January 11, 2017 7:46 am
Crap, this sounds like I'm a horrible human being ;__; But it's more like I don't care too much about other's appearance in general. Idk, my father is the same way xD Oh, but I recognize my neighbours by their ... helix

Hahaha nah you're not. xDD Oh really? :D But if you would meet me the amazing Guro-chan you would care more than you think. >:D xDDD Haha thats sweet. xD

Bwhahahaha the best thing i read today morning. xDD Maybe you should have asked for Sir Madame (if you understand xDD). I had one friend like that, she meets one of my lesbians friends for the 1st time and thought its a guy (because she looks very very much like a guy :D) and tried to seduce her when we were she sneaked in her tent....i've never saw her running that fast. xDD And i was like this

helix January 11, 2017 9:40 am
Hahaha nah you're not. xDD Oh really? :D But if you would meet me the amazing Guro-chan you would care more than you think. >:D xDDD Haha thats sweet. xDBwhahahaha the best thing i read today morning. xDD Ma... Gore_Whore

Oh, I'm sure I wouldn't forget YOU xD I bet, I'd have an image of your face carved forever into my memory (i.e. brain xD) teehee

Oh, I know a lesbian like this too, I mean pretty "manly" xD Didn't try to seduce her, but I wasn't so sure of her gender/sex either.
That image though. Your story made me laugh jovially xD

Gore_Whore January 13, 2017 7:41 am
Oh, I'm sure I wouldn't forget YOU xD I bet, I'd have an image of your face carved forever into my memory (i.e. brain xD) teeheeOh, I know a lesbian like this too, I mean pretty "manly" xD Didn't try to seduce ... helix

Oh oh and you would totally fall in love with the awesome Guro-sama!!!!~ :3

Hahaha yeah these lesbians are more manly than most guys. xDD And they always have a pretty feminine girlfriend. :D

helix January 14, 2017 2:42 pm
Oh oh and you would totally fall in love with the awesome Guro-sama!!!!~ :3Hahaha yeah these lesbians are more manly than most guys. xDD And they always have a pretty feminine girlfriend. :D Gore_Whore

I'm not so shallow to fall for people's faces only (≧∀≦) I'd rather choose your amazing brain xD

Most guys aren't manly anyway, so someone has to xD

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