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People like Koi Ni Naru Made also like (101)


rebypussen96 June 30, 2015 8:27 pm

number 2 was best <3<3<3
well, all where good, but number 2 is my fav(≧∀≦)

sherry September 12, 2014 1:15 am

I'm getting tired of that love at first sight thing so the guys only need to be good looking for the girls to fall in love? I know they're teenagers and all I was a teen a couple years ago I don't recall being like that or the girls around me being like that so what the fuck is up with those mangas that makes the girls look dumb!! God no matter how cute the manga is I just can't get over the fact that the females allways cry get bully and fall in love once a guy act nice to them even the mangas with strong female characters aren't any better since the girls usually think they're god and try to help everyone...maybe I'm asking for to much but I'm sure I'm not the only one that will enjoy a manga with characters a lot closer to reality

prophecy of doom December 29, 2015 1:52 am

you probably won't read this but love at first sight is not as much about ouer appearance as you might think to be more correct it should be love at first sniff or something (you'll never fall in love with a person you don't like the natural smell of we're not talking about sweat here to make that clear as well)
love at first sight usually happens when you notice that there's a lot of chemistry (you're still an animal it's called instinct even if you're not aware of that)
but in most cases you only realise later on that you actually fell in love at first sight already^^

I do agree that a lot of mangas are very cliched and you can't get around them when reading mangas

Irked September 6, 2014 10:12 pm

OMG, the girls were pathetic and the boys aren't even desirable at all, ugh, come on. Are the boys some kind of saints sent from the heavens or what? Girls, you need to appreciate yourself some more and to really love someone after such a short time is not possible, how can you know that "you" in "I love YOU is"? You don't even know that person very well. Nope, not my kind of manga.

Anonymous May 28, 2015 2:34 pm

And this is why I read yaoi.

Alix-chan January 25, 2016 2:49 pm
And this is why I read yaoi. @Anonymous


Rebel201 May 11, 2018 11:36 am
And this is why I read yaoi. @Anonymous

Haha! Yes!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Aiza July 21, 2014 5:43 pm

I loved all the stories! But the one that really got to me was the 3rd story...crap it made me cry! I felt sorry for the girl but at the same time I was cheering for her! :D

Tricked June 20, 2014 3:25 am

In the last chapter those friends of the guy really TICKED ME OFF!!! THOSE GIRLS WERE HORRIBLE!!

Ayee_Itss_Miss_Cupcake /.^ July 20, 2013 8:40 pm

Cutee ^.<3

oaslkfnawirjklwnd May 17, 2013 3:50 pm

All of the couples ARE SOO DARN! CUTE!

miya May 8, 2013 6:53 pm


JenniferF December 8, 2012 8:32 pm

You need to read Katakoi Iro's this ones prequel. so cute!! :D

kamichama karin. November 9, 2012 10:48 am

cute but i hate kitagiri-kun, he lies. But of course in the end he confessed so well, then i think hes ok.

yaoilover1 October 9, 2012 12:27 am
