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KaramelKoffee January 20, 2021 8:28 am

Being harassed by the friend and teacher at school. I feel bad for the uke. It's the matter between the seme and the uke--those two shouldn't have butted in

MissFujoshi April 29, 2020 2:25 pm

The parents totally know.

souls March 28, 2020 11:45 pm

he's literally not his neighbor nor is he paranoid? tf lol

fujoshi doki September 5, 2020 9:17 pm

for reallll
like i didn’t know what u we’re saying until i remembered the title was that and now i’m like huh?
that literally makes no sense lmao

Youdon'tknowme February 17, 2019 7:05 pm

That teacher and that other guy annoyed the hell out of me (#-.-). Why? just why? I can't seem to understand these 2D people.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Yaoi- chan=_= September 1, 2018 10:10 pm

I liked it

Sombra August 27, 2018 4:00 am

Characters were so fucking annoying. Ann storyline was predictable. Ugh. Never again.

kuroe September 18, 2018 4:46 pm

for some reason i find your comment extremely amusing ahaha

Mameiha January 12, 2018 9:25 am

So, why does it matter if Hokuto had other partners before Yukito? He was in an unrequited love, not a relationship, with Yukito. Furthermore, before this attempt at contact by Horuto, Yukito had been determined to ignore and hide his feelings for Horuto. He had no intention of ever confessing and even refused Horuto at the beginning. Apparently, if you love someone who doesn't love you back, you must become a celibate monk or nun, according to the prevailing opinions of readers. Heaven forbid you buck up and move on with your life. I've loved plenty of people that didn't or couldn't love me back. Sorry, I moved on. That's what grown ups do. Thanks to my moving on, I met my husband of 22 years. I may not have been a virgin when we met, but that doesn't change how much we love each other. In fact, I've loved a guy since high school. In my own way, I still love him now, but he has been married since graduation - that's thirty years ago this year. I love my husband more and he loves his wife. Should I have packed it in and just become a shut in because I couldn't have what I wanted? That's ridiculous, selfish, self destructive and spoiled rotten. You're cutting your nose off to spite someone else's face!

Then again, I shouldn't be surprised by this attitude since 80% of readers are preteens and teens who have only recently had their first kiss and the closest they've gotten to sex is the pictures on these pages, to say nothing of having a relationship that lasts more than a few weeks tops. Taking the opinions of children seriously on matters of love, sex and relationships is like going to a car mechanic to have open heart surgery. The mechanic knows where the heart is located, but that's the extent of their knowledge.

Aoi April 9, 2018 5:18 am

I wish more people were like you,these comments are getting really annoying (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Mameiha April 10, 2018 2:09 am
I wish more people were like you,these comments are getting really annoying (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Aoi

Hahaha, I guess I am an odd duck. Not many adults over 25 have an appreciation for manga. There are a few dozen of us, but sadly, that is about it. I have been through a lot of relationships of all kinds, from sex friends to lovers to spouses. I know what love is really like and yet I am not jaded by the bad parts or dazzled by the good parts. When you know real love, all the difficulties are worth it and all the happiness is a blessing. There are times when throwing in the towel is the right thing to do and times when it benefits you to weather the storm. Unfortunately, like all experience, you can't learn about any of that without having to go through it for yourself and doing that takes time. Lots and lots of time. Meaning... I am REALLY old. LOL

Emeralde October 9, 2017 4:09 am

thank you it was okay extra chapter is hot

phoenix September 11, 2017 4:28 am

have sex with his classmate and teacher if you read the end it say's they lied and tricked yukito, that's why Hokuto was pissed and Sei was apologising. Hokuto prentended that his actions were meant casually out of fear of rejection when in fact he was very serious. He didn't know Yukito distanced himself because he was in love with him. So no hating the Seme he was loyal all the 5 yrs of separation.

Mameiha January 12, 2018 8:56 am

THANK YOU!! Finally, someone who can read and comprehend English! Even if Hokuto did sleep with other people, it wasn't like he was in a relationship with Yukito when he did.

SPOILER November 27, 2019 1:02 am
THANK YOU!! Finally, someone who can read and comprehend English! Even if Hokuto did sleep with other people, it wasn't like he was in a relationship with Yukito when he did. Mameiha

Yes. You can't expect people not to move on from an unrequited love ,however in this case the seme was in love with uke from childhood...they got separated from the age of puberty...and now(last year of highschool) we have a fully experienced seme in sex who still is in love with uke and even plots to drop in his house in order to close the's not really believable. It seems to me that the author didn't want to portray a virgin seme cuz that would reduce his hotness...kinda like commercial works such as james bond in which a playboy,experienced character is hotter and more attention-grabbing than a virgin hot guy.

And apart from that since I'm unable to separate love from sex and I think you can never 100%separate them (I càn provide scientific evidence ), the seme who had sex with others(not sei and shiga) after uke's leave just makes his feelings insincere to me ....but I think I can understand cuz he never even touched uke at that age so it was not like he was that attached to uke.

riki-kun July 20, 2017 2:11 pm

Sorry, but Hokuto has sex with many guys and it make me feel annoyed. I read it 10 times and I still hate the seme too much.

Anonymous November 27, 2019 1:08 am

Many guys??? He didn't have sex with sei and extra it is revealed he had previous guy kinda makes his feelings insincere but I guess that author just wanted to portray him as non virgin experienced seme in order to make his appeal stronger...cuz in all commercial works a hot experienced guy is catchier than a virgin hot guy to the eyes of the readers

tashakawaii July 10, 2017 2:22 am

Page 22 on the extra... Wth happened
Great timing