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Shingo standing up to Keiichi's brother

Takamizawa's abs though! O.O

Keiichi, you are being too sexy....I'm going to need you to tone it down a bit.

Keiichi and Shingo are my favorite (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

No words are necessary. Just revel in the beauty that is Shingo and Keiishi....

Haha! Tatsuo has no idea....

Sweet moment between Usagi-san and Misaki.

"Loving you is my everything." Usagi is such a romantic softie. (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

This whole manga is perfect, but I loved this moment.


These 2 listening to each other's hearts before having sex for the 1st time is my new favorite thing

I mean, if it's for a Tennouji Mio manga, then I can't blame her...

lol Shunpei is pissed...

LOL Poor Shunpei... He doesn't get any respect.
