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Solo Leveling Damn, so cool. He's really coooool.

Solo Leveling Sung Jin-woo

Solo Leveling Man, he just gets hotter each time. Omg.

Jiwon is just the definition of Hot.

Ten Count Riku became an eye candy bc of this. Back off, btch.

The cover is just sensual. I love the expression on their eyes

This kabedon is a kyaaa moment.

Solo Leveling Damn. Just look at him be a stunner.

Solo Leveling Woo Jinchul be looking so fine. He's my 2nd fave

Don't Build My Hopes Up Hyung.. Be looking so fine ≧◡≦

My Ex-tra hot neighbour Aww he's hots for his sunbae.

My Ex-tra hot neighbour Protect this cutie at all cost

A Pushover Romance

A Pushover Romance

Reincarnation Idol and Idol Freak Knight


Punch Drunk Love

Non refundable Alpha