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Seme finally confesses when uke was asleep after uke told him earlier he wanted to stop w/ the s€x.

Omg… this whole chapter,the previous 1… the begging from seme asking uke to give him one last chance

& the award of the weirdest thing to tell someone when u arecsick and have a fever goes to…this seme

Awww. The type of man i wish I had. Read the 2-3 panels prior to fully understand this one.

Part 1 of “I think I’m toxic, because that whole thing was hot.” + he looks so good!

Part 4 of “I think I’m toxic, because that whole thing was hot.”

A caring seme that is gorgeous. Please yasss! Please don’t become evil

Nooo! That was too cute. Don’t show me this! Why can’t you let me continue hating him.

I just love those angsty moments.