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They're not riding a horse, that's a T-rex! 11/10 for Jurassic Park fans! 6/10 for equestrian fans..

Perfectly balanced horse, and one of the rare few that get the height a proportions right. 10/10

Look at those flowing locks! on the horse too. 10/10

Even though Kiba isn't exactly a horse, he's the best boy. 10/10

This is some weird doughy alien horse with backward front legs. 4/10

Gorgeous horse style, look at those movements! 10/10

I love me some horses that stay true to the rest of the manga's art style. 10/10

A little inconsistent with the rest of the art but very nice representative.

Beautiful! Thank you mangaka for taking the time to learn horse art!

A particularly strange motion for a horse...

OMG! That horse and man are huge! The horses' head reaches the second floor.

Seems logical.

Hey I know these horses, the ones you get at ACE hardware right?

The best horse possible x'D

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