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❀'s manga / #dummy(40)

Oni Ni Hatsujou

Complete | Amagi Reno | 2009 released
2021-03-02 00:34 marked

dumb guy's dad dies and his dad's past student comes to take care of him. they probably have like a 15 year age gap idk cuz never specified. the older past student used to be a delinquent and had a ton of sex. stopped cuz the dad was a teacher and told him to treasure himself more lol. so now they're living together and the younger guy, son of the dad, falls in love with the older guy. or he just knows he wants to have sex and stuff. the older guy doesn't want it, but it's revealed that he loves the other guy back, but just didn't want to betray his former teacher by having sex with his underage son lol. anyway they get over this and there's a little drama but amagi reno is usually just crack fic fun

Ore no Aoharu wa Watasanai

Complete | KATOU Susu | 2000 released

very funny and cute! the uke is obsessed with shoujo manga and wants his life to be like that. so he's hiding his otaku self and acting all cool. then the seme who knew him from middle school transfers in. the seme was the only one who listened to him talk about manga in middle school and knew his true self. anyway seme likes uke and uke slowly feels himself falling for the seme cuz the seme is doing all the cool male protagonist stuff that they do in shoujo manga. there's a bit with a love rival like one of uke's other cool friends suddenly likes him, but that's like no issue and everyone is still super friendly. anyway just a bit of fun. and turns out the seme drove everyone away from the uke in middle school cuz he was possessive and it's not cuz people thought he was gross for liking shoujo manga.

The Greatest Villain

Complete | sujin kim,Kim Su Jin | 2019 released
2021-04-08 05:00 marked

started off strong with good premise but then resolved it so dumbly. like sitll not sure uke is really in love with seme or he's just a dumbass. lots of shit didn't make sense at all. basically uke wants to become villain cuz he wants to protect seme and seme says he'll teach him 3 rules to be villain. he only teaches 2 and then goes abroad. uke keeps writing to him wanting to know rule 3. when seme comes back, he thought uke was in love with him cuz uke kept sending letters but then finds out the truth. still loves uke though and somehow uke is in love with him too actually?? and turns out he only wanted to be villain cuz he thought if he kept being so nice villain would get hurt saving him. idk all sorts of weird illogical shit and uke is a dumbass not in a cute good way. in a strange out of his world unbelievably dumb way.


Complete | ougi yuzuha | 2007 released
2021-04-08 05:19 marked

uke is obviously gay for his teacher and seme says he'll fix his gay. uke is happy to have a cool friend like seme helping him. but seme really only likes him and trying to date him. not bad pretty cute. but hated the last volume or so where the story focused on the seme's 2 brothers fighting over 1 guy. i wished the second brother would win but it was pretty obvious the whole that that the eldest brother would win. disappointing.

Fix my heart

Complete | Mine | 2017 released

repair shop son and a guy who keeps breaking kitchen appliances cuz he never cooked before. uke was kicked out of home for being gay. first time cooking and he keeps breaking stuff and going to the repair shop to get them fixed. at first the seme is suspicious that uke is trying to scam his father by getting close and stealing or something. then they grow close too cuz seme sees uke is just dumb lol. so seme leaves a lot of notes for uke telling him what not to do and stuff. uke falls for seme and confesses one day. seme thinks about it. first time they kiss seme's dad sees. at first he's not ok but then is like do what makes you happy cuz i can't control you anyway. so seme does and goes to respond to uke's feelings. uke was actually so depressed about being found out and thought seme's dad would be like his family. but when seme returns his feelings he's happy pretty quick lol. then we see some months later they have sex the first time. cute overall, but kinda nonsense lol

Ookami-san to Eroi koto

Complete | YOSHIDAYA Roku | 2015 released

this story is all over the place lol. interconnected characters, 3 couples. first is guy living in countryside. receives a puppy from an elderly neighbour moving away and agrees to raise it. he also gets some pickled plums to eat. dog grows up, is actually wolf, and turns into half-human hybrid and fucks him. apparently uke guy is half-wolf so he can get pregnant with the wolf hybrid's child. second story is brothers. didn't like this one much. younger bro likes older bro, a dummy, and controls him kinda. put a chastity device on him. takes it off before he goes to fuck his gf and then says he needs some practice so they have sex. younger bro says he loves his bro and that's why he did it. older bro is like ok u just had to say and they get together i guess. then we see them again 3 years later still together. last story is the youngest bro of the couple from previous story and the son of the wolf couple. guy saves wolf from train tracks. wolf often comes to visit his house. they get close. one day guy sees address on wolf's collar and decides to take him home. on the way wolf turns into human and they fuck. then they go to wolf guy's house and see his parents fucking but they're cool with their son's relationship and stuff.

Like That

Complete | ASOU Kai | 2007 released
2021-07-14 08:51 marked

a fucking classic i've read 3 times now at least. uke is a half-dummy. he's just very blunt and kinda weird. starts off with seme already confessed to uke. time in this story is not very clear sometimes. uke is considering how their relationship has not changed even after the confession, but uke's feelings are kinda changing cuz he's more conscious of seme. anyway he decides he would be okay with seme and they have sex. after that they have sex but nothing else really changes. they've been friends since high school so are already very familiar with each other. uke always sticking to seme and kinda taking advantage of seme's kindness but not in a rude way. most of the story is told through uke's point of view as he develops deep feelings for seme. some drama at the end about seme not having time for uke anymore cuz his father's ill. seme says they should break up but uke shows how much he values their relationship now by going to seme's childhood home and saying he refuses to break up. then he visits seme every weekend there and helps seme around the house and take care of his father. uke really stepping up and it's his time to shine. he says the love word to seme first. it's kind of sad that they were just waiting for seme's father to die so they could go back to like before. well after some time he does die and then they decide to look for a new apartment where they can live together in the city.

Please be My Alpha! A Pure-Hearted Delinquent's First Love

Complete | Washiki Toilet | 2000 released
2021-07-20 01:01 marked

one of the dumbest shit i've ever read. omega is a dummy and not in a good way. such ugly beginner art. dumbass one dimensional characters. sex aint even that good. alpha guy is plain looking. somehow omega shows up one day saying he smelled alpha from a mile away and knew they were fated pairs. he gives alpha a blowjob. after that they text a bit and alpha worries about omega's job at a cabaret club where he dresses as a bunny. they fuck a bit. there's a bad customer and alpha to the rescue and fuck some more. somehow they are in a relationship after that. dropped chap 3.

Asatte ni Kiss

Complete | FUMIKAWA Jimi | 2017 released
2021-07-20 21:53 marked

tbh i did not really like it. i put rape as tag cuz that's basically what happened but it's excused here....... uke transfers to new school and wants a cool debut cuz he is a manga otaku. on the rooftop he meets seme who stayed back a year cuz of hospitalization when he beat someone up? most other students are scared of seme but uke gets along with him fine and talks about manga with him. suddenly seme starts just randomly kissing him and uke is kinda confused but kinda just okay with it. one night uke goes to the bar seme is working at. he gets drunk and seme takes him to a love hotel. then seme fucking can't hold back and rapes uke. after that they don't really talk for a while but a friend sets them up to meet again. after they confess uke realizes he needs to go to tokyo for comiket right away. so they both go and spend a nice day together and uke is no longer insecure about telling seme his hobby of manga.

Badday Dreamers

Ongoing | Dotsuco | 2000 released
2022-02-09 06:03 marked

should probably review since i just read along as it came out. thought it was pure porn at first, but there's a bit of love story to it lol