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❀'s manga / #future progression(61)

Dekoboko Bittersweet Days

Complete | Yusen Atsuko | 2020 released

the story here is great, a wonderful continuation of this couple! so now they're in third year and thinking about future plans. seme wants to be an architect and live with uke. he's got plans for them to rent together and be in the same city or take day trips to each other. but then uke drops the bombshell that he's going to france for uni to study design with his designer grandma. i guess he's doing fashion design. seme gets fucking mad which is so dickish of him. then when their families are spending christmas together, the parents ask about gfs and seme gets even more mad about shit. like thinking how uke should have a normal gf and not letting uke talk about their relationship. and then afterwards, he tells uke they're fucking over and just walks off and never talks to uke again................ and then they graduate and seme starts feeling back he never replied to uke's text to talk. just then uke texts again saying he's off to france and seme is sad but resigned. then his brother comes into his room and is like i'll drive you to the airport let's go and seme decides to go. at the airport he apologizes and says he didn't mean any of that. and uke is super nice and said he kinda knew seme wasn't serious cuz seme wasn't making eye contact and stuff. anyway so seme asks uke to stay but ofc uke is a strong independent man and he still needs to go to france to find his own path in life. they promise to stay in touch and uke is off. they video chat a lot and seme grows a bit taller. when uke comes back to japan, he's 175 and uke is still 186. they go directly to a hotel to fuck....... i think it's kind of weird uke never came back all those years in uni...... anyway and then we see a bit 3 years into the future again when seme is in france asking uke's grandma for uke's hand i guess. cuz we see now they're wearing rings. and there's an extra where seme has plans to design and build a house for them both in the future. reading the summary back it doesn't sound great lol but i kind of understand seme and uke is super cute and they're not unreasonable unrealistic characters. love that uke went to do something for himself even though seme had plans to just support him for life on an architect salary.

Doushiyoumonai Renjo

Complete | SAGANO Hiwo | 2016 released

this author loves weird misunderstandings......this seme is kinda yandere and uke is weirdly stockholm syndromy. so they used to be friends as kids and both liked each other. uke didn't want to be gay so he tried to deny these feelings and push seme away. he didn't realize seme was moving soon and super regreted it afterwards. they meet again in last year of high school cuz seme has moved back into area. uke starts having feelings for seme again but doesn't want to. but seme does persuade him to go back to his house and then seme rapes him................................ honestly wtf lol and after high school they end up at the same uni and seme is there waiting for uke. uke starts feeling a little jealous how seme is popular with women. they still act like nothing happened between them...... when a girl invites seme to a goukon, uke asks to go too. at the goukon, seme suddenly starts groping his crotch and uke excuses himself to the bathroom. seme has gone full on yandere at this point, talking about how he will make uke his. anyway, in the bathroom he gives uke a blowjob. then they go back to uke's house and seme fully rapes him now, in the ass and everything. next day seme's gone and uke's fucking all sad about it??? actually feels bad for seme and sorry he made seme that way or something???? idk but after some days he goes to visit seme's house and seme is dramatically lying on the floor of his home lol just wasting away cuz he feels so bad. uke actually fucking apologizes for not acknowledging his own feelings sooner and they get together........ well then we see them after uni moving in together..... uke is the shy kinda tsundere type.

Koishiki Kaikyuu

Complete | Kanzaki Takashi | 2008 released
2022-06-18 19:59 marked

confusing af, these translations are so bad??? so seme just starts raping uke at military duty and uke's like cool with it and wants to keep going....... but seme is quitting in 6 months to take over his family business. there's a bit of drama at the end where seme ends it before he leaves, but uke says they don't have to do it preemptively. but then seme leaves anyway and they split up but obviously still like each other. seme goes home and uke visits him every two months. then uke goes away so can't come for a while. then he comes back but then is transferred to hokkaido. then 2 years after that, which must be 4 years or something after seme left military, seme's wife dies. so uke comes back to see seme and they quickly reconcile. seme has a kid but we never see him lol......this is some fucking weird shit but i guess realistic for its time. weird oneshot on chap 5 about neighbours. uke always bringing guys over and then being unsatisfied and calling his neighbour to come. but then wants to stop that so he pretends to get a bf but then neighbour comes again and guy is cool with fucking neighbour.......idk

Love Tractor

Complete | Heumnyumnyom,Aengmon,Yalgae | 2019 released
2022-06-25 15:14 marked

started off real good but whole second season is a wash. dragged on unnecessarily, last 20 chaps are useless filler. 7 year age gap, starts off when seme is 27 and uke is 20. honestly uke got so fucking annoying in the second half. literally a dumbass baby who can't think or do non-annoying shit. and i kept wanting uke to be the seme lol. seme goes to countryside to get away from his life. he's been studying law cuz his father told him to do that if he wanted to keep dating his bf. now he's not into his bf and doesn't want to do law anymore. he wants to go back to music. and through meeting uke, he heals mentally and makes the decision to for sure break up with bf and get back to music. that's basically the whole 1st season. seme knows uke likes him but tells uke he's not ready for another relationship. so he goes off to do music and leaves uke hanging. uke goes to military for 2 years and they keep dallying for another year barely contacting each other before uke comes to seoul to see seme. they get together right away basically and seme is bitchy like i was ready years ago for a relationship, just waiting for you to wtf he could have taken the initiative......... anyway, some drama with a chef who likes uke. then some drama with seme getting well known as a music producer and having paparazzi taking photos of him with an actress. then stupidly uke gets into a huge truck accident but survives fine.....and seme kinda proposes by giving rings and they meet seme's mom. we never see seme's bitchyass dad. then like 3 years after that, we see they're living together in seme's grandpa's old house which seme bought from his mom. and it's now 8 years since they first met. really great to see so into the future but their characters have literally not changed and that's fucking boring. don't know wtf is with second season. dragged so much.

Love Plan

Complete | majungji | 2019 released

seme is a rich possessive puppy who turns into a wolf during sex lol. this story is kinda messed up in a cute way and the sex is hot. really enjoyed it despite myself lol. so seme is from a rich family but didn't feel emotions or something until he saw uke and started noticing uke. they were like 10 back then. then they ended up in the same high school and seme tried to get close to uke and they became friends. seme vowed to confess to uke after uke's university exams and they were aiming for the same school, which seme already received a recommendation for through his powerful family. family doesn't play a huge part in the story though. but that day uke's grandma, who is his only relative, passes away and uke goes back to the countryside and seme never gets to confess. some days later uke phones seme but seme's already left the country lol. now it's 8 years later and they're 27. seme sets up a whole elaborate thing to get with uke again. he gets a fellow classmate to set up a reunion and invite uke. that guy also gives uke a job but seme didn't want uke to have a job cuz he wanted uke to be with him all the time lol. anyway, at first seme pretends he doesn't remember uke, uke gets drunk and seme takes him to a hotel and they fuck. next morning uke goes home without saying anything cuz he thinks it was all a weird mistake. seme contacts him some days later asking to meet up. seme wants to do a trial dating period for 1 month. uke agrees cuz he actually liked seme since high school too and was feeling sad didn't remember him. they have wild sex like everyday and seme picks him up and takes him out a bunch, basically spending all his non-working hours with uke. then the guy who helped seme orchestrate this calls up seme to ask for more money and seme is like fuck off and fuck you for giving uke a job. then uke gets fired from this crappy ass job and the dude tells uke about seme's manipulations. uke confronts seme about it and seme comes clean, even playing the victim lol. after that they start to date for real and it's basically the end. extra story is also real cute and it's 2 years later. they're living together and uke is off to uni to study to become a teacher. at school ppl find him hot and a guy tries to secretly set him up on a blind date by saying it's some study emergency. uke is like fk that i'm out and heads back to seme but unfortunately seme heard from another girl that uke's gone on a blind date. seme is crying and running outside their apartment barefooted. uke comforts him and they have wild sex. also seme just pees inside.......but it isn't drawn out. and we see uke planning to propose to seme. honestly love this proactive uke!!!!!!!!!!

Koi wa Inamono Komarimono

Ongoing | Nichika hiduki | 2019 released

they are classmates and seme is always ranked higher than uke on tests. uke is upset because seme looks so careless and doesn't study. seme is the son of a famous politician. one day seme confesses to uke in second year and uke is like wut but seme doesn't give up and keeps coming after uke. seme is not on good terms with family, so he's living with his brother. one day his brother is out of town and his keys are inside their house so he goes to stay with uke a while. he gets along great with uke's mom and little brother. on the news it shows seme's dad is in a bribery scandal. couple days later, the dad resigns and it's confirmed he was guilty. seme leaves school and moves away. uke is kinda sad now until one day seme just shows up again saying he wanted to see uke. then i guess they get together. there's an extra showing them as adults where uke is a doctor and seme is a wandering photographer. they are still kind of together but seme is barely around. oneshot included in chap 6 is kind of weird. the uke is vague and slutty coming onto seme who does like uke but knows uke likes another dude who got married. they go out drinking and lots of feelings come out and seme kinda decides to believe that uke has moved on and likes him now. idk it feels like we're missing a lot of info. fine stories but nothing interesting.

How To Talk to my Crush

Complete | Yujuin,Yu joo in | 2019 released

very cute story, not sure about slow to sex or not. basically seme saved uke's life when they were in high school. they're 2 years apart. now seme entered uke's uni and uke has been stalking him everywhere. he gets into uke's class and their mutual friend tells seme to take care of uke, so seme asks uke to join their project group. uke acts super weird with seme and seme starts suspecting uke likes him. then it's basically confirmed when uke confesses and seme actually accepts the confession. they start going out and it's just cute fluff. we see them 8 years later still together and moving into their own place now.

Aiseyo Bakemono

Complete | Tsukizuki Yoshi | 2019 released

interesting dramatic story, really getting into the darker aspects of teenage delinquency. seme transfers into uke's delinquent filled school after quitting the gang at his last school. he quickly catches the eye of gay uke, who is also strongest at the school. uke gets aroused beating seme up and does that a couple times. but he also follows seme around cuz he actually likes seme......complicated. then seme's old buddies come to find him and get revenge, beating up a bunch of ppl from his new school. seme goes to settle the score and gets beaten up. uke goes to beat them up for seme and gets badly beaten too. after that they don't talk much anymore for some reason? seme starts studying to be a doctor tho cuz he wants to help uke out after uke gets hurt. uke also draws away cuz he doesn't want to get in the way of seme's future. but they do have some weird promise to each other to come back to each other in the end. anyway, 4 years later seme is almost done uni and goes back to their hometown to find uke. finds out from their friends that uke's not been seen much. he broke his phone and cut contact and now working for yakuza selling drugs and getting paid for sex. seme and him meet and seme is kinda mad about uke ghosting them. uke leaves to go meet up with his sex client. later uke calls seme up after the client is done. seme goes and hits him to get back at him for all the years. then they kinda part again? but next day uke is waiting for seme outside seme's hotel and asks him why he came looking for uke. seme talks about their promise or idk, it's kinda confusing and uke tells him to never meet again. then seme is heading home, back to tokyo. uke is getting beat up by his gang cuz they found out he hasn't been selling drugs, just been buying them himself but not taking them lol. seme sends uke one last text saying he's going but call if uke needs help. uke sends his location cuz he's so hurt and seme comes running to help. they kiss and kinda make up and seme helps him to a hotel. they end up having sex too and confessing. then we see 2 years after that, they are living together in tokyo. seme was originally shielding uke from the gang but now the gang disbanded and they are just living together lol. seme acts unhappy uke is squatting, but uke know seme doesn't actually mind. honestly some interesting dynamics and plots explored here, but some parts not well explained and rationalized.

Boku o Warui Ko ni Shite

Complete | HAIDA Nanako | 2017 released
2023-01-17 21:15 marked

ugh this author's problem is no relationship progression, just sex and relationship somehow starts cuz they suddenly love each other. anyway, seme finds out uke is abused at home from his bruises. uke says he'll do anything for seme to keep his secret. so seme rapes him........then rapes him some more and uke is like no more, i'll do anything else. and seme's like okay w/e i wasn't going to tell anyone anyway cuz i also have this huge scar from my parents abusing me and now i'm adopted by a rich dude. after that they don't really talk until there's a festival they all go to and the fireworks makes uke think of his abuse or something and seme puts headphones on him and kisses him. and now uke's fucking in love with seme. but seme doesn't come to school for a while and uke keeps thinking about him and returning the headphones. one day seme is looking for his umbrella cuz it's raining. uke shows him where all the old umbrellas were dumped and then confesses to seme. seme is like w/e i don't care and leaves. but then it starts thundering and he goes back cuz he thinks uke will be scared. and uke indeed was. uke is so desperate like omg kiss me hold me and seme is happy to be needed and realizes he doesn't feel disgust holding uke. then second volume, uke's in uni and seme is doing what idk but he's rich lol. seme made uke basically live together with him and forbid him from getting a job. but uke does secretly get a job for 1 night to work an event. turns out it's seme's rich dad's event and seme is there. uke bumps into the dad and dad tells a lot about how much he loves his son lol. then uke goes home and thinks he can't be with seme cuz they're from different worlds and makes a huge drama about leaving to live elsewhere. seme is like wtf but okay cuz he doesn't know what to do i guess. but just as uke is leaving, seme stops him and uke cries asking why seme didn't stop him earlier and saying he still loves see. SO FUCKING DUMB. like talk this shit out instead of just saying you're leaving and wanting him to stop you if he loves honestly. after that uke persuades seme to go talk to his father cuz he can see the dad really loves him. it was just the dad's nasty secretary that planted bad ideas in seme's head thinking his dad only adopted him for his face and shit. so seme speaks with his dad and they get along and seme is pretty happy. and the book ends.


Complete | Brothers Without a Tomorrow | 2000 released

this is really jam packed action. great concept, love the characters and art. some parts not resolved as well as i would have liked because it started to feel rushed, but i suppose any slower might have felt dragging on. basically, uke is rich and buys seme, who is in some illegal fighting ring. they both fell in love at first sight there. uke wants to use seme in a plan to hurt his father, who caused his mother's depression and suicide. it's kinda a wacky plan where he throws his own life away since he is his father's heir and what his father values, but not loves. idk honestly what is this weird rationale. along the way he starts to love seme more and more and don't know if he can continue with the plan. seme, who had originally loved his leader from his gang times, starts to realize his feelings for uke are love too. well in the end it's complicated but seme fakes uke's death and goes to jail for killing him. let out in 5 years and 3 years later finds uke again by the seaside where they last met. they get together and it's kind of bittersweet because both have become so damaged in the 8 years apart. uke is kinda paranoid anytime seme is away or slightly at risk of hurting himself. seme somehow got a limp in prison. but they still love each other and consider each other the ray of light in their sorta broken lives. some parts i didn't like were how uke lost all contact with his son. he loved his son and was great friends with his ex-wife who helped him through the plan. i guess it makes sense for the son to hate him, especially as a kid seeing his dad cheat with a man. and uke barely saw his son. and it's just too convenient at the end that somehow uke's dad dies in the years after all this went down. and i am just sad they don't have a happily ever after because they both suffered so much to be together, and you still won't give them a fairy tale ending. why the fuck did seme have to have a bad leg anyway lol like we didn't even see what happened?? so i couldn't give it a best tag even though i was anticipating it so much. i think it just got rushed at the end for some reason.