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❀'s manga / #manhwa(369)

Love Me Dramatically

Complete | Chaegu , Chaegoo | 2019 released
2021-04-13 20:39 marked
Tags: adult cute manhwa

seme confesses to uke and finds out uke always acts like he's in a kdrama. plays out different characters and seme goes along with it. seme tries to have sex and uke was not ready so seme left and came back as a different character lol. then they had sex for first time. another time uke started acting all manly and bottomed from the top. hot. and they hint at future of uke topping for real. cute and kinda funny but no plot.

Our First Day

Complete | Tan geum | 2019 released
2021-04-13 21:18 marked

age gap, they knew each other since seme was child and uke in high school. they start dating cuz seme confesses, but no development to sex and seme worried. they go on date and seme wants to impress uke, but uke keeps outshining him lol. and in the end uke says he was just hesitating cuz wasn't sure if seme meant romantic love or just brotherly friendly love. anyway and they have sex.

A Fine Line

Complete | ANA,KIMSU | 2000 released

cute midunderstanding angst. they had a sex friends relationship in uni cuz uke confessed to the hot seme and seme just used him for sex. seme actually developed feelings back but was too proud and dense to admit it. then uke thought seme was with a girl and his grandma had health problems, so when seme was on holiday uke packed up and left and quit school. seme couldn't find him for 2 years but now reuniting. seme mad and wants to start relationship again. uke kinda agrees but is disappointed cuz just sex and seme pretty rude and disrespectful. another guy from uke's time in military comes along and confesses, trying to woo uke. uke is floundering between them. seme has talk with his friend and realizes he likes uke romantically, not just for sex. seme asks uke for another chance and ofc uke gives it after a while cuz uke is so weak willed? lol but w/e it's cool here though seme is really quite an asshole. anyway seme promises to be better and they are happily ever after.

Base to Base

Complete | Ban | 2018 released
2021-04-17 01:02 marked

feels like it suddenly got axed or creator lost interest? cuz younger guy confesses and sunbae accepts and flash forward 3 years to when younger guy gets into uni to play with his sunbae again on the same team. so younger seme likes uke just cuz uke gave him tissues as hospital once and then seme saw uke play baseball at a time when he wanted to give up and was inspired again. seme followed to uke's school, they have 2 year age gap. don't understand how uke started liking him back at all. felt no development. there's also another guy who likes uke but nothing really happened with him except him making some threats to seme lol.....

Hold Me Tight

Complete | navy sir,Nabit | 2000 released
2021-04-17 19:21 marked

on chap 63 uke is blackmailed by some guy into working for seme. he's ordered to find some secret info and stuff so uke sleeps with seme. but he didn't get anything? idk and then he becomes seme's bodyguard to keep close and get the info or something. idk uke is kinda confusing me cuz he doesn't seem to want to do it, but the red haired guy blackmails him to do it to protect his family and he reluctantly does it. anyway, seme keeps uke around cuz seme only feels warmth when touching uke. otherwise seme has unscientifically low body temperature. and so they keep a sexual relationship. and turns out seme noticed uke's actions for a long time and just let him do it cuz he knew uke would be in trouble if he didn't do what red haired guy said. and uke thought he got away, but then seme revealed to uke he knew and uke apologized and explained everything to seme cuz he was also feeling bad and guilty. turns out uke is secret son of super rich guy. and the current son is a fake but has a crush on him, that's the red haired guy.

His House

Complete | YOO Ha Jin | 2014 released
2021-04-18 12:27 marked

kinda strange plot where things get dramatic but nothing actually happens cuz it's all resolved so fast. basically guy and his half-uncle, who shares a dad with his dad. no sex cuz uncle/uke is kinda disabled from knees down. seme is in college and trying to get money as a rental bf. uke originally hired him as part of some evil plan to get his inheritance cuz seme didn't know his rich family background. but they fall in love as uke is being cared for by seme and uke decides to give up this plan. uke's half brother who was threatening him and working with him gets mad uke is giving up the plan and tells seme the truth of the evil plan. seme kinda gets scared uke only pretended to love him for the plan and runs away to think. evil half brother attacks uke but uke saves himself. after that evil guy is gone and the couple re-unites. nothing special happening but not a bad story i guess. liked the manly art. interesting to have a disabled guy.

Hello Again (Cho Bom)

Complete | 초봄 작품정보,Cho Bom | 2000 released
2021-04-18 12:46 marked

cute with a little misunderstanding angst! they both like each other since young, but seme thinks uke likes his older brother instead. they have 3 year age gap, but i think uke is same age as seme's older bro. anyway now uke in uni and needing somewhere to live so becomes roommates with uke. uke is happy to see seme, seme happy to see uke, except seme keeps thinking uke likes his bro lol. and then his bro comes over and seme is super jealous and rushes his bro out and then confesses. uke happily accepts and they figure out the situation and it's just a short cute story!

An Ideal Relationship

Complete | Ong Kaeng | 2000 released
2020-03-11 02:03 marked
Tags: cute adult manhwa

sooo fast lol don't even know how the top fell in love with the other guy or knew of him, but cute nonetheless?!

Dial Again

Complete | Ppyong | 2017 released
2021-04-19 19:59 marked

kinda confusing, kinda boring, but over all okay since no problems. basically uke doesn't die cuz he has a contract with some god. it's revealed at the end that the god is someone who he helped when young and also when he was an adult. confusing here cuz technically he helped the guy once before and once after he gained his abilities, so...... idk what kind of time travel stuff is going on. anyway, seme takes notice of uke cuz his driver accidentally hits uke and thought uke dead. seme keeps track of what happens to uke for a year and then hires him cuz he starts feeling sad seeing uke die so much. he first hires uke as a bodyguard cuz that's what uke was doing before. but quickly moves him into position of lover. kinda weird cuz it's unclear why seme likes uke and uke had some weird condition where people who saw him coming back to life falls in love with him, so maybe that also influenced seme's affections? anyway, uke agrees to work as seme's lover lol and there's some rival ceo guy always trying to kill uke to get to seme. rival also has some blueprint that seme's company made. anyway drama here and there on path to finding out uke's past cuz he doesn't remember anything before 8 years old. and drama with the other ceo who in the end is captured. turns out uke made a contract with the cod to be immortal and leave his hellish home in exchange for losing all memories. idk and in the end seme gives uke a ring but i just never felt much love coming from either. this story didn't have enough romance development and too much action that was poor action lol.

Trap City

Complete | Team JT | 2000 released
2021-04-20 04:33 marked

honestly this is one of the best manhwas i've read. great art and a competent well-paced story and likable side characters who don't show up too much!! only taking a star off cuz the uke used to prostitute himself and i'm not into that. small age gap of 5 years. the child does not really show up in the story, but she motivates a lot of uke's actions. uke used to sleep with a gang leader to get money and a good life and stuff. he was supporting his "sister" who i don't think is his real sister? just a younger girl from his orphanage. anyway he runs away one day cuz he's tired of that life of being drugged up and fucked everyday. he's picked up by the leader of a rival gang. this rival gang leader wants to get revenge on the other leader for killing his twin brother 13 years ago. anyway, so uke stays with seme as bait for other gang leader to come. slowly feelings develop cuz seme remembers uke saved him 13 years ago and old him a great life lesson. then there is showdown with the other gang leader, ofc seme and uke win, though seme gets shot. then like typical in these stories, uke suddenly leaves right before the ending lol..... but then while seme is telling the bar owner his feelings about uke, uke stands up from behind bar and they are reunited. ofc uke takes his "sister" to live with seme too and happily ever after.