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❀'s manga / #prostitute(60)

Arima-san wa omega ni naritai

Complete | Fujita Cafeco | 2000 released
2023-02-05 05:04 marked

alpha x alpha. but uke alpha has a uterus. so uke works as a call boy at night cuz even though he's an alpha with a great job, he can't stop fantasizing about getting fucked. one night he's preparing for a job but hears it's cancelled. he's upset after preparing and being eager, but then sees seme and wants to be fucked by seme. seme sees his business card and toys fall on the ground and is interested in him too. they go to a hotel and fuck. seme leaves his number and leaves next morning for work. uke wakes up and doesn't see anything and thinks seme just left. uke finds out some time later he's pregnant. he's 1 in a million alphas with a uterus. he has the kid and doesn't tell seme cuz he can't even find seme. honestly some inconsistencies from author here. like first his dad hates him for being pregnant and fires him from the family company........ but then his dad loves his grandson the moment he shows up like after 3 years no contact with family. and his family owns a national business but lives in a super small normal house??? idk doesn't make sense. it's like author had a complete change of heart about uke's background..... anyway, 3 years later uke finally finds seme and asks seme to take responsibility cuz he's running out of money. wants seme to co-parent. seme is happy cuz he's actually been looking for uke all these years........................... another weird thing cuz when they first met seme acts like he doesn't know uke and makes him do a paternity test to prove it and doesn't look in love with uke...................................... these weird inconsistencies really put me off a bit. but after that seme is super eager to be with uke. ANOTHER ANNOYING THING IS THE TRANSLATIONS ARE SO BAD. so i'm sure many parts are wrong and that's why the story doesn't read smoothly. but uke has some complex about being an alpha and thinks he can't make a family with seme properly idk. but seme doesn't think that at all. it's literally all in uke's mind and seme doesn't even know. second whole volume is about uke being crazy and wanting to give seme another child cuz he thinks that's the only way to make seme happy for some reason........idk if we missed something...... so he wants to take drugs to make it happen. but in the end the lesson is don't do that. just be natural and it should come. cuz last chapter we see he gets news of a positive pregnancy test after they stopped the heat inducing drugs. honestly seme didn't even like that. uke was just going crazy again on his own when seme never even asked for that or another child............. so that's really annoying honestly. seme is just being perfect and uke comes up with problems by himself.

My Job Getting Plowed By My Younger Coworker

Ongoing | Fujita cafeco | 2022 released
2023-02-04 21:47 marked

pretty cute and sweet story though uke is a porn star. seme is a huge fan of his and becomes a porn star to be close to him. uke's been wanting to play with his ass and seme could sense it and gives it to him lol. after that seme is like i'll leave you alone now sorry. but uke wants more and suggests pretend dating with seme cuz he's not sure why he's flustered around seme. idk how pretend dating is supposed to fix his problem lol. their company also sees their chemistry and wants them to do a BL video day in the life of a couple. they say okay but when it comes time to film the sex scene, uke is kinda uncomfortable showing it on camera and seme quits to save uke face and make the filming stop. afterwards uke is sad seme is leaving and gets angry at him saying he's throwing uke away. but seme is like omg no and they date for real cuz it's clear uke like shim too.

Crossdresser Therapy- Make Me a Shameless Bottom

Complete | Taro Kawayuka | 2000 released
2023-06-02 08:36 marked

kind of hot, but it's crossdressing sex.... uke goes to crossdressing bar for some gay experience to check if he's gay. turns out he is and he likes seme so much. seme quits his job soon and gives uke his business card with twitter handle. they connect and meet up. they have several dates and have a bunch of sex and love each other. they move in together.

Devil and Politician in the Playroom

Ongoing | Sajita rio | 2019 released
2023-06-12 23:28 marked

this story is like old school 2010 bdsm yaoi stories. the art, the bdsm, the characters dealing with repercussions of being gay and twisted characters. uke is a masochist and a congressman. he likes his childhood friend who is now his secretary. but his secretary hates him for uke's father causing his own father's downfall from politics. the secretary gets them photographed kissing by the press....... but wtf so fake cuz uke was the one who apparently couldn't help himself and kissed the secretary?? like for what. after 20 years he couldn't hold it anymore this one night?? anyway, uke's going to this bdsm club sometimes. there he meets a "trainer" seme and somehow falls in love after a great session and he loves to watch seme dancing ballet. seme is for some reason kind of good despite not learning it since he was 6 years old lmao... after that they love each other so fast and seme goes to a real ballet school to learn. uke's kiss scandal comes out and they separate. uke quits his job cuz of the scandal. he is with seme all the time now and started his own tutoring business i guess. who knows what happened to secretary....... then seme dances on broadway lol and uke goes to see them. they are living together happily now and come back to japan to be together forever. meh. that's the gist.

Full volume

Complete | 알버트,albert,양은지,yang eun ji | 2019 released

damn where the fuck do i even start with this story....... on one hand the art is fucking amazing, there's sex like every chapter and it's fucking amazingly drawn out sex with ahegao. but on the other hand the ukes are fucking annoying bitch ass typical traumatized and slow acting shits. i prefer the couple in the side stories more than the main couple. main couple story: uke and seme are neighbours. uke 24, seme 30. uke is a camboy cuz he got trapped into it by this scummy dude. and uke has stunted emotional development cuz child abuse and shit. typical. seme is famous author/photographer who likes to watch uke's videos. seme starts getting uke's packages and brings them over to uke....... which wtf he could have just left them in front of uke's door instead of banging the door every time...... and he realizes then that uke the neighbour is also the camboy he likes. so he starts pursuing uke....... uke apparently never had real sex and thinks sex toys are just as good. but then ofc can't resist and ends up having sex with seme. then they have a lot of sex and seme wants to go out but uke keeps saying no it's not for him. then uke starts having feelings back but thinks he's not yet suitable for seme cuz he's so messed up. like doing the camboy shit to pay off debt and w/e. he decides to work super hard and pay off the money but ofc that means neglecting seme. and i don't even get wtf that was at the end. he's so fucking dumb agreeing to do more videos to pay off the debt but why was the company even acting like they weren't going to let him go after even though nothing really came of that?? idk..... cuz in the end seme got his connections to take down the company ruining uke and the man that trapped uke in this debt shit. and they get together seriously. but by chapter 50 i think i was already tired of uke's oh woe is me i am so damaged i can't be with seme shit. second couple: this story is about main couple's seme's younger bro getting with the guy he likes. who also happens to be the guy seme1 liked in high school lol... younger bro seme is a hotshot lawyer. uke is in debt, fucking is with these sad debt stricken ukes...... but this dude isn't as pathetic and actually working hard to pay it off after his brother got caught up in a cult and ruined the family finances. he's supporting 2 younger siblings. seme confesses after helping uke out of the debt, very quickly solving it honestly, that he's always wanted to sleep with uke and that's why he helped. he always liked uke since he was 3 and uke 6. now they're 28 and 31. uke is like okay let's sleep together and they do and uke fucking loves it. can't stop thinking about it now. gets lonely and hits up seme again. seme kinda traps uke by pretending he's going to sleep with uke just to get over uke. and uke wants to sleep with seme cuz loneliness. so i guess the agreement works out. but honestly seme never thought he could get over uke. their relationship is going well, having lots of sex and kinda dating. then seme gets jealous seeing uke with another guy that obviously likes uke. and he says he wants to cancel the agreement cuz he can't stand it and w/e. uke obviously knows that seme still likes him cuz he heard the story of how seme helped even when seme was 3. so he asks seme for another chance for seme to woo him or something????? like wtf another chance at what.....uke fucking doesn't say he wants to date seme, just keep their sex friendship going?? ugh starting to annoy me these wishy washy ukes.

Shucchou Host Nyu Boy

Complete | SHINOU Ryo,Shinou Ryo | 2018 released
2023-07-13 07:43 marked

welp after 4 years i finally read it..... it was as ughamslsdfs as expected. for no fucking reason at all, uke and seme fall in love after uke hires seme through a sex/dating service. at first seme is opposed to having a male customer. but somehow with some flower language narration from the author, seme loves uke now too........ even though he was straight before??? also dealing with some of uke's stress about being gay and how society perceives gays ugh.

Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou)

Complete | NISHIMOTO Rou | 2022 released
2023-07-18 20:24 marked

pure bullshit. seme just quit yakuza. uke is some girly prostitute in love with a dude that's using him for money. now seme saves him from wtf so fucking fake. same trope of shy ugly with glasses and seductive without. somehow seme just finds uke's profile on the call boy website and orders him to come. then he orders uke every night.................. most dumbass part is when seme throws all his remaining money at uke's ex to make the ex go away. fucking 10 million yen, that he was going to use to buy a house, just randomly thrown away......... like wtf for?? you could have used words. ex said uke had a debt before, but you didn't even ask for how much or if it's paid off now, just throwing money to get uke? when uke was not in danger, they were literally at a subway station......... ugh hate this unrealistic exaggerated bs. also showcasing FUCKING PITBULLS. DISGUSTING. UKE STUDYING TO BE A VET. UGH HATE EVERYTHING.

Stripper no Midarana Itazura

Ongoing | Kunihara | 2019 released
2023-07-24 03:15 marked
Tags: prostitute


Bad Trip

Ongoing | Azekari | 2019 released
2023-08-20 20:24 marked

didn't like this, especially not the ending mess.... uke is a lowly yakuza selling his body for money. seme is undercover cop on a drug investigation. he somehow sleeps with uke??? it's not explained how cuz uke is seen leaving with another dude but wakes up with seme..... after that they keep sleeping together cuz seme pays for it and wants to see if maybe uke has info about drugs. but then they start feeling real for each other??? idk... but uke gets too close to the source of drugs and gets beat up and fed a ton of drugs. he has amnesia. after seme saves him, he lives at seme's place not knowing who is seme, but going through drug withdrawal and wanting sex all the time. then he wanders out after taking some drugs he found in seme's home.... that seme had kept for research i guess..... and the drug guys see him and try to shoot him. seme saves him and in that moment uke's memories come back...... like wtf is that fake shit lol... and then after that uke goes to visit seme in hospital and i guess they are both liking each other... idk but in the extra we see uke's moved in with seme full time after being let out of the yakuza for working with a cop.

Kiss and Night

Complete | hasumi hana | 2019 released
2023-11-13 13:54 marked

FUCK THERE IS A SECOND VOLUME. IT'S NOT COMPLETE. I FUCKING GOT TRICKED AND IT'S ACTUALLY KIND OF FUCKING GOOD. UAISFAWGISESLDFKJSLDKFJDS uke is a stripper at a high end strip club. seme becomes a regular at this club. seme rapes uke at first for uke's first time, but then somehow they start wanting to make each other only theirs. actually some depth to this story, like seme protecting uke from his mother, too. fuck this doesn't even have a CN version.