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KatTheKat's manga / #Drama(67)

Tosca no Inu

Complete | Noichi Mikuro, Noichi Micro | 2019 released

It was so goooood! Better than I anticipated! I fell in love with the uke right off the bat! What a great couple! What a pretty pairing! Anddd the story flowed So nicely! Never a boring moment! Update: Soo I've reread this a couple times by now.. and I STILL can never understand Gojou's thought process :/ like I understood the first time string the pot.. but YOU went after Touji urself and didn't even intend to kill him.. but u thought u would get off Scot free!? Liiike u could've used an underling.. and I just don't get WHY!? lmao because u saw him as a rival?? It can't be that simple right??!

No one's perfect

Complete | Chabasu | 2019 released

*internally screaming* ahhhhhhh where is the next chapterrrr!!? Ughhh this is y I go for completed manga's! Why do I torture myself >__< Ok finally done and... Hmm I get that Masami is feeling this guilt for how their relationship started.. but he's taken on this * role... Idk it's like he's trying to make up for everything x10 & I get that.. like the guy took a knife for u... But it's weird to see.. like it's giving me a weird vibe like "uh oh.. r we supposed to go into a relationship like this"??! (* I forgot what the word is.. like when u see someone as ur saviour and see them like ur master.. I think it was mentioned in tvd)

Beauty Pop

Complete | Arai Kiyoko | 2004 released

Read this before my Yaoi days :) What a GEM! ughhh how nostalgiccc my heart-

Anti Alpha

Complete | Okuda waku | 2019 released

It was goood... Wish it had more.. but it got its point across... :) The arts nice.. story nice.. the uncle can go to hell.. kamishiros fam can join him even tho they didn't make an appearance lol If it did get a 2nd season... I wanna see the drama with KAMISHIROS FATED PARTNER!! oh and I wanted kids lol but beggers can't be choosers ^^;

Coffee Time Romance

Complete | Yoichi Makina | 2000 released

I liked it ... That was a really good pace imo.. and I like that it had a beginning and an end and drama in between like everything's feels like closure- as far as one shots can go lol There wasn't to much info on major side characters like Akemi* or the abusive ex... But that's ok cause it's a oneshot

By My Side

Complete | natsume kazuki | 2016 released

I loved the ending!! I didn't like so much the 'push and pull'ingness(?) Like u loved him all these years I understood ur fear... But u RAN AWAY and then on moving day- decided not to run away?? Lol idk weird... I felt the ukes pain Tho... Like to be caught like that n then the seme's change- when u watched him be straight for 10years... how can u not think about the future and ur relationship.. ;-; I'm so happy theyre both so in love with each other & the ending made me happy for their future.. like usually with Yaoi... I can imagine the breakup cause the relationship are superficial BUT NIT THIS ONE! I FELT THE LOVEEEE <3

Wagging the Tail Webtoon

Complete | Yayamee,Kwong koogi | 2000 released

I really liked it... Up until the Moms reveal... Then it was downhill.. :/ When the fox decided to break away from the wolf for the hundredth time.. i was done with him -_- ik he has his issues but why must Doha be the one to chase after EVERYTIME!? siiiigh that pissed me off- and he never acknowledged his feelings! (Until the last part when he 'didn't hear him' properly e__e and then the mom's part kinda confused me too.. like I understand ur kid walking into yalls BDSM scene but didn't u do WORSE things!? Like FORCE HIM TO SLEEP WITH U!? And then the dad leaving.. y did he not explain hes a submissive ugh the traumassss y would u not lock ur door!?!? On the plus side I enjoyed everything else... Especially the art :) it was hilarious That side character.. who ofc remained un-named like everyone else in this story made me laugh alot.. I thought he was gonna be a problem with his obsession.. but he was harmless :( kinda disappointed I wonder what's going on with that professor and that big brown ...bear? I'm gonna say that he's of bear lineage (The new victim of that teacher)

Twilight (Nishimoto)

Complete | Nishimoto, Rou | 2017 released

Yay happy endingg My only regret is that bitch didn't get her ass handed to her for the mess she caused!!

Born to Love you

Complete | HAYANE Dento | 2000 released

That was Beautifulll~~~ and Unique! It wasnt even Tragic- but i felt like crying.. cause of the explosion- and mentioning of 'if they (M&H) made it to adulthood' (cause the memories were as student) or the dark tunnel- and him not coming out for a sec (that part mostly scared me) and ofter little things all made me emotional! But Ch6 (Epilogue) had me nervous- I thought they were gonna break up! lmao why was the mood like that? made me anxious...

Playboy Beast

Complete | Minomushi momonoki | 2019 released

I reaaaally liked that we got the see the seme fall in love :) like His heart went "badump" first Cause usually... It's always the uke who fawning and falls in love on nothing .. like the seme could be a jackass and the uke will fall (I'll never know how)