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capncaviar's manga / #want more!!!(23)

Brothers (YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko)

Complete | YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko | 2001 released

This author is a goddess of this genre and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise, even her weaker stories (I consider this to be one of her weaker works) she manages to make the characters seem relatable and not over the top drama edgelords. She also works in comedy that flows well into the narrative so I am not scared off by the overwhelming seriousness that most yaoi has. I love how she makes me love the characters and root for their happiness though their personalities rather than having to root because they are main character alone. She's even not afraid to make some characters actually gay and admit it, rather than having to have every character be the "I'm gay but only for you" bullshit that plagues yaoi as a whole. Can't wait til she releases again for me to fall in love with even more of her extended canon of lovable characters. :)

Here U Are

Complete | DJun | 2000 released

Left off at chapter 134 and damn if this wasn't good, the art style from the big smiles to sad faces everything is well emoted and the story is about actual gay dudes who accept that they are gay and want to just live in a society that may not accept them but they are trudging on through anyway. The familial dynamics are multifaceted with actual portrayals of familial homophobia and the effects it has on people, its not a usual "I'm straight but gay for you" plot because the family and friendship dynamics make this a masterpiece of characters discovering their own sexuality and the sometimes flimsy nature of the concept itself, finally, through this piece of media I feel represented in this genre. It does not back down from relationship dynamics and I just really appreciate this slice of fluffy angst to be grounded in the struggles of gay men in some societies. It also addresses familial pressure to continue the family which is important in today's climate because it really isn't addressed in other media that sometimes people may not want to get married or have children and that is perfectly okay. Many of our generation are reluctant to have children and feel the stares of our parents or grandparents who at the family gatherings ask when you'll finally settle down and have a nice little nuclear family and "finally be happy and start life" and when you say you do not want children ever, an aunt will give a "knowing side eye to maybe your mother or uncle and say "oh that'll change *snicker*" the younger generation is becoming more and more despondent with the want to have children as we realize it's not necessary to have a fulfilled relationship but often feel pressured by familial or societal pressure to conform to that "perfect familial unit", I'm rambling but this comic brings up very real societal issues that other contemporary works do not all while being cute and fluffy romance. 9 out of 10 and will definitely read all over again and can't wait to see what is next for the creator

Encirclement Love

Complete | Yodogawa yuo | 2019 released

Three friends, two get together and the other gets his friends well endowed brother in whats a suprisingly wholesome yet raunchy ride. Its kinda rare to see authors go into the actual prep us gay dudes have to go through especially if your partner is rather.... hung. Also another important thing is that when one said he wanted to stop it was respected and they slowed down rather than the yaoi trope of "i cant control myself" naw this is rather a pretty nuanced take on learning how one bottoms and respecting other peoples limits which should be expected but in yaoi it is less seen. Also it showed that like guys need to get used to that stuff but once we are its pretty open season, now to only find a verse couple 9/10