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takame's manga / #megane uke(203)

Seinen Hakkaten

Complete | amagakure gido | 2000 released

⟫ Seinen Hakkaten > Yakedo to Tsumeato > Aoi Tori yori. "A wild handsome guy appeared". so, fight or run? is this pokemon? Good thing our cute little nerd stayed and got to know the handsome guy. Young fresh love, takes you back to innocence. They were progressing without knowing the name of what they were becoming. The translations is quite wonky but if you get past that, it's a sweet #sempai x kohai romance. Takes you back to innocence lol. Finished @2018. Exists with just one chap last year.

Hoshi wo Kazoeru Koto

Complete | UCHIDA Kaoru | 2018 released

Pleasant surprise to see a two-volume manga get uploaded all at one. Uchida Kaoru is one of the old-school mangaka who draws their uke manly Love of two sexy men, yum yum. (btw... THIS AINT BARA!) #moving on #good relationship pacing #stranger to lovers.

Fujunai Process

Complete | koyubi | 2016 released

Serizawa unexpectedly became witness to his college professor kissing another guy in an alley so he asked to be treated to alcohol. Bribe for keeping silent. However that became a starting for him falling for sensei. @2018: Yay, finally finished in one big update