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lenaGRonyx's manga / #so frigging hilarious that I tought I would die(9)

Risou No Koibito

Complete | madarame hiro | 2013 released

My gosh, I had a hard time to deal with the drawning but it was really really frigging hilarous. My mouth, my stomach and my heart hurt like hell because I really laughed too much. I even had to take breaks while reading when I was too in pain or out of breath X"""DDDDDDD

Bokura No Mitsudomoe Sensou

Complete | shoowa | 2012 released

My mind was fucked, virginized and fucked up again. THIS was crazy XDDD and FRIGGING FUNNY XDDD Magi and Takahiko fucking in every scenes ahhhh my god XD But I really didn't liked Unpopo, frist with a name like this it's ipossible to concentrate and get into it XDD, and then his personnality and words? Yeah, he was just a turn-off.

Kunpuu Tango

Complete | Watanabe Asia | 2000 released

AAAAAAAh it was friggin' funny XDDDDD And hot, ah my god, I'm a shameless sadist pervert XD

Razoku no Hanayome

Complete | Sera | 2014 released

HOLLY SHIT! WHERE ARE THEY? I'LL GO ASAP XDDDDDDDDDDD It was a really stupid love story but so funny XDDDDDD

19 Days

Ongoing | Old Xian | 2014 released

|Chapter 246| Putain mais c'est trop génial, c'est déconné, j'adore, j'adore trop! C'est hyper drôle, trop con et même avec cette ambiance débile, ils arrivent à te foutre du dramatique par ici du suspense par là et mon dieu, mais tellement de "feels" dans leur relation que tu penses que tu vas crever. Oh oui, et aussi! A chaque fois que je vois He Tian, my heart skip a beat but, dude, everytime I see him without a T-shirt, j'ai l'impression de faire une crise cardiaque. He Tian, SEXY BITCH!

Seishun Kinema

Complete | Sachimo | 2000 released

Omg, I find it hilarious, it's horrible, I'm so sorry for them X"DDD

Hate Mate

Complete | RECK | 2016 released

|Chapter 43| Ugh, I still don't want to... It's good than Subin and Kang Jun are going back together, it's a good plot, developpement for the story, especially after Hyunwoo's declaration and all the shit he has done, but... I still ship Hyunwoo and Subin so hard, I just want it that way

Wolf In The House

Complete | park ji-yeon | 2000 released

|Chapter 31.5| Oh my god this masterpiece is awesome, it is beautiful, story not at all boring (I want a movie), it's fucking funny, there's sensibility, choices, different love type, relationship, mystery and so on! The art is wonderful, I love every characters, everybody ROCKS! Plus, oh my god, every guy is so fucking beautiful!! And the sex!... MY God, the SEX! I'd never read something that is really "sexy", you know? It's not cheesy, lovely, hot, smut, or anything, the word for their hot times is really SEXY! And my god the level is high. It's my type of sex, subtile, playful, slow and calculated touches... AAAAAAHHHHHH MY GOD I LOVE IT!

My Love, Meine Liebe

Complete | MURO Ayako | 2000 released
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