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Raou-kun Notices Me

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What made you first read yaoi?
Just out of curiosity . I didn’t even know what Yaoi meant back then in 2012. I started ...
What made you first read yaoi?
it all started with some dj pictures i found on a random amv video back in 2011 after that...
What made you first read yaoi?
id watch shounen-ai anime and then a friend recommended me this site to me so i then start...
What made you first read yaoi?
Love romance anime, felt like I watched all the romance anime there is so I gave Junjou Ro...
What made you first read yaoi?
It was a video on youtube about a bakudeku doujinshi (i haven't even watched mha when i fo...

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did touched grass

i'm allergic :( smells nice tho

5 hours
did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

7 hours
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

7 hours

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