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People are sharing things

are you getting bored?
Hello! 21 year old hear, started reading when i was.... far too young, much, much, younger...
are you getting bored?
I think it probably has a lot to do with you being older, but I kinda agree when it comes ...
are you getting bored?
hello i’m 21 years old and i have been reading yaoi since i was a 7th grader lol. Is any...

People are doing

did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

6 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

16 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days

These lists have this manga