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The End / Back to Michiru Heya


Other manga by the same author(s)


People are sharing things

Unpopular opinions ( SEX TURNOFFS)
1. Rape (of course). 2. Slutty Ukes, ESPECIALLY ones that constantly cheats on the Seme o...
What made you first read yaoi?
When I was a baby I had a friend we'd read mangas with, we usually read shounens but at on...
What's your first Yaoi/BL manga??
Easy! Mo dao zu shi ( ̄へ ̄)
What's your first Yaoi/BL manga??
I can't remember for sure if it was Blood Bank, Peach Love or Never Understand
Unpopular opinions ( SEX TURNOFFS)
using no lubricant istg yall this is such icky its like these damn authors WANT people to ...

People are doing

did touched grass

i'm allergic :( smells nice tho

15 hours
did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

16 hours
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

17 hours

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