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inactive [Answer]
Dylan_D21 15 08,2020
nothing will happen, don't worry   reply
15 08,2020
For the question in the title, because receiving rewards for doing something well encourages children to continue to to do well and not giving a reward, usually, encourages children to work harder so they get the reward next time. Also, rewards can't always be given when you know there is room for improvement. As for your parents, talk to them abo......   reply
15 08,2020
inactive [Question]
p i x y
15 08,2020
guys if i was inactive for a long time? will my account be deleted? and how long is it so that i can prevent my account.
15 08,2020
I can't say I feel the same, but my parents don't normally reward me, even when I got straight A's...   reply
15 08,2020
Let me guess you are from India right? I took science by mistake and still suffering from it. Till 10 grade I was a topper too and my parents always said that grades Don't define who you are (basically everything you just said). MY SITUATION WAS AND IS THE SAME AS URS!!! But now they really scold me etc etc (you can pretty much Guess it) YOU ARE N......   3 reply
15 08,2020
Well everyone, every human have their own perspective of discipline, or how they raise their child, or atleast perspective on everything, but everyone is influenced by the ones surrounding them, some may change their mind through what they see or hear...... And I've experienced, or have read some people's perspective of everything through myself, p......   reply
15 08,2020
Ah, I get ya. Chin up buddy, some parents are just like that, mine inclusive. I had good grades but they turned medicore for a while & my mom tends to ask me 24/7 about my studies - literally asked me at 7am if I started studying already, even my dad got pissed at that & told her to shut up for once lmao. Honestly it can get annoying really fast so......   reply
15 08,2020
No more kissanime and kissmanga. Im scared that this site might be taken down.   3 reply
15 08,2020
being honest, it's only natural. positive reinforcement for good behavior, and negative for not; life will always be like that, and parents do that as well; not sure about cake, but that hit can be devastating; its about expectations, but how strict they are on that changes how your childhood and young adult life experience and will effect you in ......   reply
15 08,2020
god, the answers here are toxic already. don’t be rude if you can’t understand OP’s issue?? honestly, i have the same problem in a way?? i grew up w/ two prodigies for brothers so i always had such a pressure to be great like them. unfortunately, i couldn’t reach most of their expectations so i was barely praised and was regarded as the �......   2 reply
11 07,2020

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