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26 06,2017
First of all, no. If your fetishes doesn't hurt anyone (and if it does but your partner like it and it is not that grave) and it makes you feel good, NEVER feem ashames about it. If your partner it's okay with it, go tell 'em anything you want them to do to you. Now then, let's talk about your friend. I don't think you should not talk about your k......   2 reply
26 06,2017
SugarySugar 26 06,2017
Of course you shouldn't be ashamed. As long as whatever you for remains between you and your partner and they agree with it, you shouldn't have to be ashamed. BUT if your friend doesn't like hearing about that kinda stuff, don't talk about it in front of her. She may be feeling uncomfortable, so it's important to respect her as well. Instead, if yo......   2 reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
Don't listen to your "friend". As long as it's not against the law, and if your partner agrees, who the fuq cares if others don't approve. There's something wrong with the friend who told you to be ashamed, lose her! And I would def try anything once or twice (if it's safe and with a partner i trust), life is too short to live like a dried up tree.   1 reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
No, don't be. It's all a matter of person taste and responsibility. Everyone has their thing, and that just happens to be yours. The best thing to do is be mindful about how you talk about it. I'm not saying you should deny it, but maybe not be so open about if you are worried about how people will view you. Another thing to keep in mind is that ......   reply
26 06,2017
HuffleFluff 26 06,2017
You shouldn't be ashamed. However, you shouldn't also be 'too' loud about things like that. Not everyone is open-minded to hear about those. As for your partner, you can ask him if he's game with it. If yes, then go. :D   reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
you dont have to because it only concerns you and your partner, but you need to understand that not all people can accept things like that, its not that its shameful or anything its just that they dont understand it or they're not that open minded and its nobody's fault, just dont talk about it to the people you know that is conservative or such or......   reply
26 06,2017
i don't think you should be ashamed of it, but you have to ask yourself first; maybe you made that close friend uncomfortable? Some of my closest best of friends aren't comfortable with that kind of topic and while I myself am very open to discuss stuff about sex and such, I try my best to respect them and try to not rub it in their faces so much.......   reply
26 06,2017
I also have some friends who are super judgemental with things like that, I also have friends (married friends) who still feel the need to whisper rude words in conversation lol. One male friend actually got quite upset when we were light-heartedly once, asking each other about what material(s) we use to er, that thing….eheh… it really depe......   reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
Oh goodness no! You should never be ashamed of who you are. Embrace it, enjoy your difference in whatever and be proud. There are going to be people who may not understand and you will have to prepare for those types of responses. But no matter how prepared you are, negative comments hurt even more so from those close to you. Keep your chin up ......   reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
I love what Mameiha said and I say no to you. But maybe you shouldn't tell it casually to the wrong people if you can't handle a backlash because, unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people in the world. If you can, it's great to be open. You shouldn't think that what you like is wrong or shameful and find a healthy community with similar in......   2 reply
26 06,2017

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