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help what the fart is happening i dont think anybody rlly gives a shit about anyone here   reply
18 02,2024
18 02,2024
Sigh I don't go to school not even online school because my parents don't think it's useful so sadly I don't have any fun stories   6 reply
18 02,2024
18 02,2024
bro real shi when i was in high school this one really popular white girl got caught saying the n-word multiple times on video at a party and tried to blame it on being drunk and they literally hid her in the front office because so many people were trying to beat her up, she ain’t come back since lol   reply
18 02,2024
High school Trauma [Question]
18 02,2024
Yall you ever think about how wild high school was?????

Like im just sitting here smoking in my room and i just thought….

“Those bitches were literally so homophobic and racist and NO ONE did anything about it”

Tbf i went to a rich white catholic high school so i dont really know what i expected (to this day i will never understand why my mom was so convinced to send me there)

But some of those bitches were really out of pocket

Cause tell me why one kid called me the n word and i told my friends and they were like

“Who was it”

“(Guy’s name)

“Oh that makes sense”




Not to mention i had people telling me to just “leave it alone” cause “he’s a senior you could ruin his chances of going to college” like what?????

Also tell me why i got into an argument with this one guy about homophobia and when i tell you EVERYONE IN CLASS WAS ON HIS SIDE????? And the teacher heard this conversation and told us to stop talking about it cause we should all “respect each other’s veiws”?????

Anyways tell me some of your crazy high school stories so i know i’m not the only one who went through this
18 02,2024
The mfs I fw are cat lovers   reply
18 02,2024
some of yall probs look like this irl   3 reply
18 02,2024
damn. [Answer]
Stardust 18 02,2024
The only dilf to exist   1 reply
18 02,2024
damn. [Answer]
*Fart Reverb* 18 02,2024
No questions: Sorry not sorry for the ABSOLUTELY STUNNING Smut pics. They were too good to pass up. Goodbye.   1 reply
18 02,2024
Bro what there are pedophiles now on this website   reply
18 02,2024
damn. [Answer]
Voey 18 02,2024
Baby girl I am such a Resident Evil Fanatic ; Characters are Carlos, Hunk, Krauser, Leon, and Wesker :3c   7 reply
18 02,2024

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